Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Rahul, CEO, FOSS United

@Ganeshaaa , @Devdutt and another member of the community and @ansh, @mangesh_x0 from the Foundation attended the call.

Broadly, we talked about how FOSS United can better work with the Design community. For example, we talked about Design participation at FOSS Hack. As a designer, @Ganeshaaa talked about not being able participate meaningfully at FOSS Hack last year, and he was wondering if there was a way to participate this year. We discussed how a number of FOSS projects need design work. We discussed the possibility of helping the projects identify their brand design identity and then potentially break it down into smaller design activities that could be completed during the Hackathon. @ansh provided additional context about the FOSS Hack this year.

@Ganeshaaa also asked about the rationale behind the recent design overhaul that the website received. He also pointed out the inconsistencies between parts of the website e.g. the landing page vs specific event pages. @mangesh_x0 provided background information about how the redesign happened and the path forward.

We also briefly talked about working on a Charter for FOSS United City Chapters, similar to [Help wanted] FOSS United Public Policy Charter V0.

@Ganeshaaa (and others) please correct me or fill in the gaps in case I missed anything.