Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Rahul, CEO, FOSS United

Hey @asd. FOSS United continues to engage in policy in India, but we cannot represent all FOSS communities in India. The FOSS United Foundation is having a hard enough time representing the FOSS United Community so even thinking that we can represent the entire FOSS Community in India is borderline arrogant and naive.

Having said that, we would like to work with, and bring together, as many distinct and disparate FOSS Communities in India. FOSS United is in an incredibly privileged position. We have a small but growing policy muscle while most FOSS Communities in India don’t care about the Public Policy in India or don’t have the capacity to be involved in Policy work. To the extent possible, we will work on improving Pubic Policy participation by the different FOSS Communities in India. While doing so, we will share our Policy positions with them and work together if we are aligned.

I used “we” a lot in the previous paragraph. “We” doesn’t refer to the Foundation because we don’t have a Public Policy Director anymore. It refers to the FOSS United Community. And like I mentioned earlier, representing the Community is a hard enough task but we are hoping that activities like defining the Public Policy Charter (see [Help wanted] FOSS United Public Policy Charter V0) will enable active voices in the Community to help identify the overall Policy Objectives that FOSS United should focus on. And the charter isn’t set in stone, as the policy landscape evolves, we will attempt to evolve with it.

Note: A volunteer from the community came forward to put together a draft Public Policy Charter here - [Help wanted] FOSS United Public Policy Charter V0 . It is open for comments from the Community but please note that it was a member of the Community that primarily drafted it (I only added two objectives related to Software Patents). No one individual can comprehend and represent the entire Community so the draft charter is intended as a starting point.