Updates from Catchup Call #1
Attendees: [ @Viswanatha_Kartha_V , @fossdot , Ansh]
Updates from the club’s end
- September - An introductory event was conducted and participants were to create their own portfolio projects.
- October -As mentioned in the roadmap above, an event was conducted in collaboration with https://zendalona.com/. The speaker shared their open source journey, being blind since 4th grade and started making software and tools to help out his father. This eventually became their career.
- The company maintains CoconutOS, an accessible OS built on top of ubuntu to provide accessibility to blind people.
- They also talked about how to get started with open source
- The event went great with a turnout of 60 people
- Later on, 5 teams of 3-4 people were formed to work on FOSS projects stressing on accessibility.
- A few ideas have come up, for example an OSM based map project for blind folks.
- These projects are now in research stage. The teams have been visiting blind schools to interact with people and learn about their requirements and problems.
- November was packed with exams and there was not much activity.
Future Plans
- Excited for the Intro to Open Source event](FOSS Clubs - 2024 Roadmap - #16 by ansh), was planning something similar himself.
- Restarting OpenHack - an initiative to help students to contribute to open source. ( @fossdot was also a participant in 2019)
- Will be happy to host a Local FOSS hack
General Discussions
- More activity on the forum will be helpful, documenting all major events and projects etc.
- Start looping in other members of the core team (second years) into major activities, so we have potential candidates to lead the club once the current leads’ tenure ends.