Partner Projects Programme

Open Code Walkthrough Sessions

The code-walkthrough sessions for partner projects would be helpful to understand more about the project and get your queries from the maintainers.

It will be an open call happening on Jitsi, and can be joined via:

Session Timings

The sessions will be flexible and will be arranged based on the maintainers’ bandwidth.

Planned Sessions:

:white_check_mark: Amaze File Manager - 2024-07-04T12:30:00Z2024-07-04T13:30:00Z

:white_check_mark: FreeCAD - 2024-07-05T13:30:00Z2024-07-05T14:30:00Z

:white_check_mark: Compilerd - 2024-07-06T11:30:00Z2024-07-06T12:30:00Z

:orange_circle: Keyshade - 2024-07-18T12:30:00Z2024-07-18T13:30:00Z

This isnt solely focused for partner projects too. Any other project who’re looking for contributors at FOSS Hack and would like to talk about, do propose in this thread.

These sessions are recorded. Find the recordings in this playlist.

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