Summary of 1st FOSS United Community Call on Dec 12th 2020

It was a fun call with lots of discussions.

  1. Welcome and round of introductions
  2. Summary of the story so far
  3. Aspiration to build projects under FOSS United Banner - called “Mon”. An umberella brand of products that will be launched under the banner of the Foundation.
  4. Social: A proposed social network which will be simple publishing + network.
    • Why? Give an alternative to popular social networks - LinkedIn Medium etc. They are either forcing ads, manufacturing opinions. Why can’t communities make alternatives?
    • Discussions about various alternatives - Mastodon is getting very popular. was shared as an example.
    • Challenges: User Experience (UX), Design, Distribution. Federation is hard for common folks to understand.
    • What are the goals of this project? Not clear - create a written proposal of the project
    • Risks of hosting content: Will be curated and moderated.
  5. Other projects: Marketplace, Search (?), MyGate alternative (?). Utilities (?) “Scratch your own itch”
  6. Why create new ones when many exist? Why not? Most projects are going to fail. That is the nature of experimentation - out of 100, 97 will fail, but even if 3 succeed, it will be worth it.
  7. Create a set of guidelines for projects that can be launched under the “Mon” brand. Mon will give distribution to project and also have a home for it. Anyone who is motivated to build projects will build them.
  8. Software and Services: Most software projects have now become “platforms” and there is a big gap in good services with network effects (ex. Wikipedia). So FOSSU can be a great NPO to back such “services” or “platforms” and provide hosting.
  9. Other FOSS U Activities:
    • Explore 2nd conference in Feb / Mar
    • Fund raising

Please free to add / comment for things I may have missed.


My thoughts: Does the existing project goals aligned with our long-term goals?

Linking Mon Social: Project Ideas thread here for reference.

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