About open source software, foundations, and project donations

For those who are interested in a deep understanding of how open source ecosystems work, I highly recommend listening to this podcast episode:

Copying some information to set context:

  • The complicated calculus of deciding whether to donate a project to a foundation, and how the dynamics of the market change over the years and you have to think very critically about the specifics of your situation before making the decision to donate to a foundation
  • How every company has slightly different market pressures — sometimes the market pushed you to donate to a foundation, sometimes the market doesn’t care.
  • The importance of thinking not just about market share when you’re open source, but also how you are going to monetize! It’s possible to have vastly smaller market share but make vastly more money.
  • Why being an open source company does not have to mean that your paid solution has to be cheaper than your competitors.
  • Why you don’t have to start selling into startups — sometimes your best customers will always be either mid-market or enterprise from the very beginning.

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