ByteCamp 2023 - Automathon "Re-Imagining Life through Automation"

ByteCamp’23 was a 24 hour Hackathon organized by SIES Graduate School of Technology on 18th February 2023.

More than 250 registrations from different colleges, years, and departments were noted.The abstracts were submitted online by each of the enrolled teams.Following a day long review by our professors, the best 20 teams were chosen from among all the abstract submissions.The top 20 teams received invitations to the 24-hour, in-person final hackathon that was held on our campus.

The teams stayed with us in our computer laboratories for a whole day.All 20 teams received mentorship in the final round to help them develop and implement their concepts.

Mentors of various professional fields frequently attended the teams and offered their expertise.

We arranged the food for participants to keep them energized throughout the event.

The top 20 teams were requested to submit their projects following a 24-hour period of rigorous hacking, and our mentors’ panel then ranked the top 10 teams.The mentors stated that while all of the projects were excellent and extremely competitive, it was very tough to select the top 10 teams.

After 24 hours of intense hacking, the top 10 teams presented their projects to our judges panel which consisted of industry professionals,our alumni and our student council in-charge.

Our jury panel commented that all the projects were super-competitive and the scores were on a close-call. After consolidating and having a hard discussion about the results, we announced the winners in our ‘closing ceremony’.


TEAM Under-Ctrl ( Cash Prize of Rs. 20,000)
Devang Mulye
Parakh Pawar
Aditya Yadav

TEAM DUAL-CORE (Cash Prize of Rs. 12,000)
Jayaram Iyer
Apurv Jadhav

TEAM NWA (Cash Prize of Rs. 8,000)
Ajinkya Kumbhar
Dev dave
Anas Nadaf

Link for Github repos and presentation of Bytecamp 2023 winners and participants