This topic will maintain a housekeeping activity log for this Discourse forum (
I have just made the following changes
- @mngsh , @mriya11 , and @Aakansha_Doshi are downgraded from “Admin” to “Moderator” roles.
This topic will maintain a housekeeping activity log for this Discourse forum (
I have just made the following changes
Logged into Digital Ocean and updated as much as i could. thanks for adding my ssh key to the machine @mngsh . ref Manually update Discourse and Docker image to latest - Self-Hosting - Discourse Meta
The whole thing took ~ 45 minutes, with frequent breaks and distractions in between for me.
I’ve updated the trust levels of a number of users - it looks like we hadn’t been updating the trust levels based on recent usage and given the incoming spam, it felt like the right time to empower members of the community
the following users are now level 4
the following users are now level 3
@Ganesh_Adimalupu is now level 2
In addition, I have made a number of changes to the “Spam Settings” to curb some of the spam that we have been seeing over the past two days. Much of the advice came from Tips for Preventing Spam - #6 by SaraDev - Site Management - Discourse Meta . Please also note that I have added a few “watched words” that prevent the user from posting if those words are used in the post
Update: I have updated “min first post typing time” to 30 seconds from the default of 3 seconds.
Minimum amount of time in milliseconds a user must type during first post, if threshold is not met post will automatically enter the needs approval queue. Set to 0 to disable (not recommended)
the spam situation is better now than before and “min first post typing time” had the most impact!