FOSS Hack localhost - hsrhackerhouse, Bengaluru

We, at hsrhackerhouse, are elated to be Bengaluru’s localhost for FOSS Hack 2025 at the Entrepreneurs First (EF) office in HSR Layout.

We run (almost) weekly open-ended hackathons called “Shipping Hours” at the same venue; and this time, going longer with a theme of open-source is a no-brainer for us.

Here is the location for this localhost.


Dates for the hackathon: 2025-02-21T18:30:00Z2025-02-22T18:30:00Z
Duration: 36 Hours
Participants Limit: 50 Slots are available for this venue

Link to the budget sheet: here.


FOSS Hack 2025 - Must-Know Information for In-Person Participants

Dear participant,

We’re excited to see you at the localhost for FOSS Hack 2025! This message provides important details to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Venue: Entrepreneur First Office, HSR Layout, Bengaluru (4th Floor). Link to Maps📍

Venue Opens: 8:00 AM


  • Registration starts at 8.00 AM and ends at 10.00 AM.
  • Reach out on the WhatsApp group if you arrive later. We will check you in.

About the space:

  • This is an office space (as you can see in the images). We will have the A/C throughout the duration of the hackathon. Please get clothing accordingly.
  • Restrooms for all genders are available. Please use them responsibly so that the person after you does not have a bad experience.
  • A coffee machine is available at the venue. Please use it responsibly.


  • All meals (from Saturday afternoon lunch to Sunday lunch) are arranged for in-person participants.
  • The food will be provided in recyclable boxes. Please make sure to not spill any food.
  • Please ensure that the boxes are disposed of responsibly. Reach out to us on WhatsApp if you face any problems with this.


  • The EF office has basement parking, but it is limited. So availability will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • We recommend that you arrive at the venue either using cab service, public transit or two-wheelers (basement parking and on-road parking for two-wheelers should be enough).

Important Information:

  • It’s mandatory to join the FOSS Hack Bengaluru WhatsApp group for all updates, including the event flow: WhatsApp Group Invite. This group will be used for Q&A sessions and sharing FOSS Hack updates.
  • FOSS Hack Rules: Please familiarize yourself with the official FOSS Hack rules by visiting this page: Rules for FOSS Hack
  • FOSS Hack FAQ: We’ve compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the FOSS United forum. Check them out here: FOSS Hack - Rules, Guidelines, FAQ
  • We kindly request all participants to adhere to the FOSS Code of Conduct: Code of Conduct.
  • Please refrain from bringing illegal items, unauthorized consumables, or engaging in unethical practices within the college and hostel premises. Violations of the FOSS Code of Conduct or College or Hostel rules will result in strict action.

We wish you the very best for FOSS Hack 2025!

Thanks & Regards,
hsrhackerhouse & FOSS United Bengaluru

Local Edition Expenses / Budget Details


  • FOSS United Foundation - 17,690 INR
  • Entrepreneur First - Venue, Wifi, Furniture, Coffee, A/C and Cleaning

Total Budget: 17,690 INR
Total Expense: 17,690 INR

Expense Breakdown

Food: 17,050 INR

Time Amt
Lunch - day 1 ₹6,600.00
Dinner - day 1 ₹4,400.00
Breakfast - day 2 ₹3,850.00
Lunch - day 2 ₹2,200.00

Swag and Branding: 140 INR
Misc Payments: 500 INR

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Event Postmortem

The Good

  • There was a 50-50 split between working professionals and students.
  • The food was good for the price we paid. There were no complaints about hygiene or quality. And it arrived on time each time.
  • Participants were civil while taking food and disposing of the boxes it came in.
  • The venue was well provisioned with all the basic requirements and security throughout the event.
  • Half the participants stayed at the venue overnight and did not face any troubles.
  • Almost every participant was able to complete their hackathon project and make a submission. Some of the projects were extremely innovative, while some others were much-required open-source alternatives to popular developer tools.
  • Around the half-time, mentors went around the venue pro-actively helping teams to plan their project and complete it on time and to resolve technical issues that they were facing.
  • Communications through WhatsApp were happening very smoothly between all the participants, the mentors and the organizers. Wifi credentials were put in the description of WhatsApp to make things even smoother.
  • Some participants volunteered to help clean up after the event was over.

The Bad

  • The A/C in one side of the room was giving troubles from time to time. We had to work out a fix for it multiple times during the hackathon.
  • Even after asking permission and reminding about it, the cleaning staff was not available on day 2, which led to the accumulation of waste.
  • At one time, in the 1st half of the 2nd day, the coffee machine started oozing milk, which was a tough problem to fix.
  • The organizing team created the registration form (to account for the attendance in order to control food wastage) after the event started - they had to go around the room to make sure that they hadn’t missed anyone.

The Ugly

  • There was some damage to property at the venue: a chair was missing an arm, and a holder in the toilet was broken.
  • A couple of participants pasted labels (that were provided as name tags for easy networking) on the tables of EF, which was tough to clean up post-event.
  • I missed out on informing the food vendor on time about the reduced number of participants for breakfast, which led to significant food wastage.