FOSS Meetup: Feb 2022

Feb’22 FOSS Meetup will be happening on 12th Feb 2022, Saturday, 2-4 PM.


If you want to speak at this meetup, please reply to this thread with the following details:

1. Topic Name 
2. Brief about the topic (with the project's source-code link)
3. Expected duration of your talk (20/30 min)

02:00 - 02:10 pm: Intro
02:10 - 02:30 pm: Smoldyn: A particle simulator : @Dilawar_Singh
02:30 - 03:00 pm: FPM: A Static Site Generator With First In Kind Translation Tracking Feature
by @Amit_Upadhyay
03:00 - 03:30 pm: Typesense: An easier-to-use open source alternative to Elasticsearch and Algolia by @Jason_B
03:30 - 04:00 pm: Open discussion

Topic Name: FPM: A Static Site Generator With First In Kind Translation Tracking Feature is FTD Package Manager, a static site generator and can be used as an alternative to Hugo, Jekyll, Docusaurus etc. FPM supports a concept of packages, and lets your organise your prose/text content using packages, with package dependency, auto fetching etc.

What sets FPM really apart is first of its kind translation tracking feature. Unlike other static site generators with translation support, where they only link to correct URL for current document in another language, FPM keeps track of if a document’s translation is up-to-date or not. When you are viewing a translation it shows translation status (missing: in this case it falls back to original, work in progress translation: here you see original by default but can switch to work in progress work in your preferred language, out date: here you see a warning and a diff in original document from the date translation was last marked up to date to current version of original document). FPM also has a translation status dashboard which shows translation status of entire project in one place.

Expected Duration: 30mins

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Topic Name: Smoldyn: A particle simulator

Brief about the topic (with the project’s source-code link)

Smoldyn ( is a particle-based biochemical simulator for modeling molecular diffusion, surface interactions, and chemical reactions. I am going to showcase some of its capabilities using the recently added Python interface ( It can be useful for people who deal with stochasticity in their work.

Additionally, I will talk about my experiences with adding Python interface to C/C++ based simulators (Smoldyn and MOOSE Neural Simulator.

Expected duration of your talk (20/30 min) 20 mins

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Hi @Dilawar_Singh,

Thanks for showing interest to speak at FOSS Meetup. Smoldyn looks like an interesting project.

I’m scheduling your talk at 2:10-2:30 PM IST on 12th Feb. We will share the meeting invite soon.

Hi @Amit_Upadhyay,

Thanks for showing interest to speak at Feb FOSS Meetup as well. I’m scheduling your talk at 2:30-3:00 PM IST on 12th Feb.

Excited to learn about FPM.

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Thanks, @fossdot. I can also give a shorter talk in case there are more projects. It is nicer to hear shorter talks from more number of folks.

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20 minutes would be good. We have the meeting till 4pm.

Topic Name: An easier-to-use open source alternative to Elasticsearch and Algolia

Brief: For the longest time ElasticSearch and Solr were the primary options available to developers to build onsite and in-app search experiences. Along came Algolia in 2012 with a SaaS search engine, supporting instant search-as-you-type experiences. This talk will introduce a new and modern instant-search open source engine - Typesense:

Duration: 30 mins

Hi @Jason_B, typesense looks interesting.
Scheduling you talk for the meetup.
Time: 3:00-3:30pm.
We will send the invite soon :slight_smile:

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