We are delighted to announce that Nemo will be facilitating the “FOSS Workshops” based on the topic ”My computer, my data, my code - liberating your data from user-hostile apps”!
The Speaker lineup was decent, covering topics that are on the hype train right now
Venue provided with professional photographers, which gave us nice photos we can use for different community pages
Venue also conducted a nice small interactive quiz along with prizes which stirred up the audience nicely
Break in the middle again proved to be nice for networking, there were engaging discussions everywhere
We were able to nicely convey FOSS United Plans to the audience with the help of Aakansha and Vishal
Small activities conducted by hosts prevent fatigue in between talks, we can continue on the same
Small bump in women’s participation and overall audience since the last few meetups
Nasdaq also gave gifts as a token of appreciation to all the volunteers and speakers
Fenil and Vaishnavi hosted very well, keeping the audience engaged throughout
Asking the audience to give a quick introduction and how they are using FOSS helps in engaging the audience before we start the meetup, thanks to Shrilakshmi, we have been doing this for the past few meetups.
The energy of the audience was good and we were able to have some buffer time for the audience to ask questions after the speaker’s talk.
There was a technical glitch at the start due to which the meetup was delayed
Diversity in the audience - more representation of women. We are doing better but we need to do better
There were some recurring technical issues when speakers were asked to come to speak, tech check might help us prevent that
A speaker was very poorly prepared and did not deliver much useful content despite having a nice proposal
The audio for the opening note didn’t come out well so we couldn’t upload it for this meetup.
All inclusive, it was a fun and engaging domain specific meetup with a targeted and engaging audience!