HackNITP 5.0 : Annual Hackathon of NIT Patna

  • We at HackSlash NIT Patna, in collaboration with GDSC NIT Patna, hereby take immense pride in officially announcing the investiture of HackNITP 5.0 in the second week of February,2023.

  • Encompassing 3 days of rigorous, uninterrupted coding sessions, backed by brainstorming and problem solving discourses, the event will subsume rounds engineered with special deliberation to rack your programming brains out. What we intend to create, is an intensive problem solving environment, for programmers to get together and work collectively towards identifying and obtaining the most optimal solutions to proposed set of problems with the present set of technologies in their forte, all the while being subject to the glaring constraints of time.

  • The link of the official website of HackNITP 5.0 is as given : HackNITP 5.0 : Official Website

  • With the last online version of the event seeing a footfall of over 700 participating from colleges all over India; this year, with the increased boom surrounding, we anticipate a notable increase in the former numbers as well. All are welcomed to apply by visiting the website.