India FOSS 2022: Open Hardware Experience Zone

Announcing Open Hardware Experience Zone at India FOSS 2022.

The Open Hardware Experience Zone is be a dedicated zone at the conference venue to let the participants to touch, feel and experience the open hardware boards, devices and experiments put together by the hobbyists and tinkerers among us.

If you have any interesting hardware project that you’ve built and want to show it people, or if you have a cool programmable hardware device that you are excited about and share the excitement with everyone, please signup to present at the Open Hardware Experience Zone.

A Table will be provided to whoever is interested to present or showcase any open hardware. This space will open through out the duration of the conference. You can decide to showcase your open hardware for a coupe of hours or entire day.

Please note that this space is created to encourage the hobbyists and commercial promotions are strictly not allowed here.

Please reply to this thread if you are interested to showcase anything.


The following people have confirmed that they are brining some open hardware to show case.

  1. @Abhas is bringining a 3-D printer, a small CNC machine and a lot more
  2. Abhas and Sanket together are going to put together a wireless mesh using libre routers
  3. Prasad is brinining a couple of devices
  4. @Anand is bringing a bunch of simple electronics (breadboards, blinking leds), a raspberry pi 400 and a pen plotter