PravApp project is a plan to get a lot of people to invest small amounts to run an interoperable messaging service that is easier to join and discover contacts.
It will be based on Free Software Quicksy app which gives a similar experience to WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal without locking users to its service because of interoperability with any xmpp service provider.
We want to offer this service under a multi state cooperative society in India. Would you join the cooperative?
Assuming POC means ‘proof of concept’ , we are working on a proof of concept. A beta release of the app and service. If idea is enough for you, then you can join us and help in achieving the proof of concept.
I would like to point out that is already a proof of concept for this which shows it is technically possible. We plan to fork Quicksy for our app and service. The main difference is the democratic decision making structure given by a cooperative society and the users directly funding the service via subscription.
Update: we have a working prav app and service, so proof of concept is ready. The next step is to release a beta version. In order to register as a cooperative society, we need 50 members each from at least two Indian states, which we got from Kerala. We need 50 people from another state. You can check current statistics here Become a Member - Prav app.
Prav app is a free software, interoperable cooperative owned messenger app. At Prav, we are having a beta release party on 28th January 2023 online and offline. The physical beta release is in Villupuram, Tamil Nadu. If you are interested in trying out the prav app, we will give you invite during the event. Learn more about prav here and about the beta release party here. We are planning to have a public beta soon, for example, by putting it in F-Droid when we test it privately.
We’re delighted to announce the first edition of PravConf in Kochi, on February 28th→March 1st. We invite the everyone interested in self hosting, federation and decentralisation, and concerned about your privacy to join us and share experiences, and plan campaigns and actions together. Registrations open.