LivingMyPromise Project

LivingMyPromise (LMP) is a community of like-minded Indians who believe in giving back to society. We help each other and invite advantaged people to commit to giving 50% or more of their wealth to philanthropic causes either during their lifetime or in their will. Anyone with a net worth of above INR 1cr can make the promise. The causes, organizations or activities you support are entirely your choice. We act as inspiration to each other to do the right thing, when needed the most.

As a part of our NPO Support, FOSS United is helping LMP with creating a platform for helping promisors to manage their giving lifecycle.

Summary of call on 1st Feb: Present: Venkat, Sushant, Gunjan, Vishal, Rushabh

  1. Promisor Portal:
    • Goals:
      • Ability to manage my profile as a promisor
      • Ability to browse other promisors and their interest (based on their privacy settings)
    • Solution:
      • Make a portal for promisors to login (passwordless)
      • ETA - 15th Feb
  2. Events
    • Help manage events and participation
  3. CRM
    • Drip Emails: Help configure drip emails to potential promisors.

Summary of call on 7 Feb:

Present: Sushant, Gunjan, @wisharya , Kaustubh
Agenda: Discussion of frontend and CRM issues


  • Contact Summary and Next followup on promisors
  • Move promisor to promisor family as child table
  • Make dropdown fields sorted by alphabetical
  • Separate table for social media channels in Promisors
  • OR filters in listing
  • Renaming designation field to profession, and a new field for current designation
  • Current city under home base
  • Disallow new person with same email, phone, social profiles from being added
  • Age to be calculated by date rather than by month or year
  • “Primary” to be added in dropdown


  • Promisors search: After typing something and doing backspace, the results don’t filter - IMP
  • Add count of promisors returned on search filter - IMP
  • Sort for promisors page
  • Frontend to show promisors on family page - IMP
  • Profile view of the promisors - IMP
  • Promisor should be able to edit their own profile - IMP
  • Promisors should be able to see other people’s profiles - IMP
  • Naming series for Lead and Promisor Family

Next meeting: 15 Feb, 6.30pm to catch up on the progress

Priority Action Item:


  1. Move promisor to promisor family as child table


  1. After typing something and doing backspace, the results don’t filter
  2. Add count of promisors returned on search filter
  3. Promisor should be able to edit their own profile
  4. Make a portal for promisors to login (passwordless, contact Rushabh for this)
  5. Promisors should be able to see other people’s profiles with all member of the promisor family


  1. Get the NDA signed

Summary of Catchup Call 15 Feb 2022

Status on previous priority items:


  1. Move promisor to promisor family as child table - ON HOLD


  1. After typing something and doing backspace, the results don’t filter - DONE
  2. Add count of promisors returned on search filter - DONE
  3. Promisor should be able to edit their own profile
  4. Make a portal for promisors to login (passwordless, contact Rushabh for this) - Need emails / NDA
  5. Promisors should be able to see other people’s profiles with all member of the promisor family - IN PROGRESS, need login to be usable


  1. Get the NDA signed

Present: Kaustubh, Sushant, Gunjan

Action Items:


  • Add the current city field
  • Add a dropdown with an other field where promisor can add new cities
  • Add about field for individual promisors
  • Add fields on frontend from the sheet shared by Gunjan
  • Kaustubh to send a mail tomorrow (Wednesday) about the frontend progress
  • Check status of NDA as it will be needed before emails are shared


  • Share a new sheet for frontend
  • Add causes in the same sheet


Next catchup: 21 Feb, Monday - 10:30 am

Summary of Catchup Call 22 Feb 2022:
(Catchup call was pushed by a day because Kaustubh was on leave on 21st).

Present: Kaustubh, Sushanth, Gunjan

  • Display UI is done - Individual promisor, individual family, and promisor family listing with search
  • Passwordless login is almost done but blocked on Sendgrid/Mailgun - the UI and logic for “login with email” system is there and working. Only part remaining is actually sending the login link to promisors. I have received the login details from LMP team, but sendgrid is asking for compulsary 2fa and that is where we were blocked today.
  • Edit Profile - is remaining to be done

Also to be added:

  • If user is open to be contacted, only then the phone/email should be shown on the display page. And showing it among other social profiles doesn’t encourage viewer to contact the person, so put it into another section.
  • A “Public Email” or “Email that is visible to other promisors” field in case the promisors want to have a separate email for login and displaying publicly. (not to be prioritised right now)

Action items:

  • Kaustubh to talk with Rushabh about adding the promisors to a child table in the family doctype
  • Gunjan to add promisor causes in the backend

To Do
[X] Edit own Profile - High Priority

  1. Issue with saving the form - High Priority - DONE
  2. Add picture - DONE
  3. Share my email and phone no. option - DONE
  4. Add Causes - DONE

[X] Edit family Profile - High Priority
[ ] Edit family members profile
[X] Server Script to send mail after request to login

[X] Card info to Mailgun - High Priority

[ ] NDA - High Priority
[X] Mailgun setup - High Priority

@Sushanth and Gunjan:
[ ] Data import - Cause
[ ] Look into the forum and update if other features are required

To Do:
[ ] Move promisors member to child table and a way to passwordless login for the members in the child table
[X] Passwordless link to deliver in the inbox in priority / similar to sign up

@wisharya @nikochiko


  • List item

In the front end form for promisors LinkedIn URLs are not getting saved. It says “please match the requested format”

![Screenshot (25)|690x387]

  • List item

On the backend when we were uploading LinkedIn URLs there seems to be a character limit. If the URL length is long it is not accepted. Please remove the character limit to URL

  • List item

The error message for no of children says “not a valid phone number” (The error message should be about entering the correct data format, field validation is number)

  • List item
    Please remove the marital field from the front end. This is urgent
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All of the issues were resolved on the same day.


Vishal, can we have an alert setup at backend. If any promisor updates their detail an alert sld be promoted at
