OSDCodejam v4: Info and request for sponsorship 
General info about the event:
- Link: osdc/codejam-v4 (All the projects would be open-source and be submitted to this repo as git submodules. (previous ones for reference: osdc/codejam-v3, v1 and v2 (in different branches))
- We decided the theme to be that of music “Give Life Back to Music”.
- It’s a 5 day casual and 100% Open-Source hackathon where we group students together by ourselves on basis of skills and then music taste.
- The event is limited only to students of JIIT-Noida.
- This event has mostly been funded by members’ community-pooling, you may look at the
biryani monies
in the README above! - We’ve added extra points to anyone who makes use of something from here and even more so if they can make contributions to existing open-source projects.
The structure:
- The event is from Opening ceremony at 5 pm on the 12th. Teams announced after opening ceremony.
- Hacking period starts on the 13th. Registrations still open till day one midnight (reasoning later).
- Core-Team dissolves teams due to dead members and groups up new teams with active ones by day 2 (the 14th).
- Mid-Evals on the 16th, mostly to just check-in on what everyone’s doing and see if we can offer support/guidance (though we’ve asked everyone to hold their discussions over discord, which helps in verifying authenticity and the core-team / alumni all have access to the discussions and can chip in / be mentioned).
- Final evals and results announcement on the 19th.
- We’ll be having a talk on OpenTF in the middle as well.
First Place - INR 2,000
Second Place - INR 1,500
Third Place - INR 1,000
The two tracks:
- The Daft Punk track: - INR 750
A lot of participants are very much beginners and we encouraged them to explore new technologies and domains even if it may make for a more hectic experience (we added a roughno websites, please
rule). After seeing everyone’s discussion of their skills after day 1, we’ll be announcing aDaft Punk
track now for rewarding people going experimental and “going outside the comfort zone” which can also apply to projects which may not have gotten completed in time. We’ve shared GitHub - noteflakes/awesome-music: Awesome Music Projects for reference. - The Joel Zimmerman award - INR 750
For tools related to music production (plugins, synthesizers, live music via saysonic pi
integration, etc) since a lot of people are inclined towards making music players, or sentiment analysers and other stuff on the music consumption end and we felt like encouraging engaging with the theme more actively.
After a lot of moving around of dates and other changes (it was going to be compulsory for all 2nd years but is no longer), the final dates were finalised 4 days before the event started. We had the posters up for full 3 days. Especially due to these less-than-ideal marketing conditions, we didn’t expect to get many registrations. This is why we extended registrations till midnight of day 1 of the ~hackathon.
However we already hit >80 registrations before the opening ceremony (more than the last iteration). We had really fun interaction (music in bg, Core-Team karaoke, fun Q&A) once faculty left. and then received 20 registrations before midnight.
Requested Support from FOSS United:
Like I mentioned before, the prizes we’ve planned so far are based on biryani monies
/ members’ community pooling afterwards. Sponsorship for the prizes and logistics: posters printing, travel (covering both JIIT Noida sec-62 and sec-128 campuses), decorations for the lab would be awesome!
Logistics costs of INR 500 and the prizes of INR 6,000 should bring us to a total of INR 6,500 in sponsorship.