Panel Discussion on FOSS & Education

We are planning to host a panel discussion on FOSS & Education on Nov 13 from 4-5PM.

In this panel discussion, we plan to discuss Free and Open Source Software in education, covering use and creation of FOSS in academic institutions, current exposure to FOSS among students etc.


Prof. Pankaj Jalote, IIIT-Delhi - Confirmed

Pankaj teaches an innovative software engineering course and part of the course work for students is to contribute to existing FOSS projects.

Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, IIT Mumbai - Confirmed

Kannan is a professor of Chemical Engineering at IIT Mumbai. He is actively involved in creating, a project of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology, launched by MHRD, Govt of India.

Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran, IIT Mumbai - Confirmed

Prabhu is a professor of aerospace engineering, creator of Mayavi, a library for 3D scientific data visualization and plotting in Python and a fellow of Python Software Foundation.

G S Madhusudan, CEO/Co-Founder at InCore Semiconductors - Confirmed

Madhu is CEO/Co-Founder at InCore Semiconductors, India’s first Processor IP company. He is part of the team that created the Shakti, Open Source processor based on RISC-V.

Prof. Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya, BITS Pilani - Goa Campus – Yet to Confirm

Basabdatta is an associate professor at BITS Pilani, Goa Campus and Prinicipal Investigator of Brain Inspired Neural Networks (BINN) Labs.

I’m looking for your inputs on about what questions can we put forward to the panel.

Please share your inputs in this thread.