Edit: This conf. is happening in person.
IndiaFOSS is the second edition of the yearly FOSS conference organized by FOSS United, the first edition was held in Bengaluru by the name IndiaOS in January 2020. By seeing the current pandemic situation, we are going virtual this year. The goal of this conference is to bring the people of the Indian FOSS community together. We are planning to have talks, panel discussions, project demos and various other activities this year.
We will organize this in-person, once the physical meeting starts happening
Time: 2-7 PM (both days)
Mode: Online
Talks/Discussion/Project Demo:
Keynote: 2
Community talks
Panel Discussion:
- Bridge between Industry and Academia (count: 1)
- Bridge between Industry and Government (count: 1)
Project demo: 6
- Sponsorship brochure (IndiaFOSS + FOSS Hack 2021):
Gold (₹1,00,000) |
Associate (₹10,000) |
Sponsored talk during the FOSS Hack |
Yes |
Blog post about the sponsor |
Yes |
Featured Job pos |
Yes |
Logo on IndiaFOSS and FOSS Hack website |
Yes |
Social media (tweet/LinkedIn/FB post) |
Yes |
Yes |
To help us organize this event we are inviting folks to volunteer for IndiaFOSS and FOSS Hack 2021 for the following roles:
- Content and Design (Illustrations, posters)
- Sponsorship
- Outreach and community partnership
- Platform management
- Participants engagement
CC: @Anand @knadh @Rushabh_Mehta
IndiaFOSS 2.0
Tentative Date: 6-7 May / 20-21 May
Location: Bangalore (Venue YTD, IIIT-B is in the pipeline)
Expected no of Participants: 150-200
Volunteer Management:
Volunteer Application form
- Outreach: Developer communities like GDG, Python dev and College Clubs/societies
- Social Media: Post on different social media channels - Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, FU Forum and FB
- Blogs, Newsletters and Communication
- Videos: Interview some folks in the FOSS community about their FOSS journey
Speaker and Workshop:
- Call For Talk Proposal management
- Speaker Coordination
- Workshop Management
- Budget Planning
- Sponsors Management
- Account Management
- Venue Management
- Logistics
a). Sound
b). Table/Chair
c). Screen
- Food
- Sponsors and Partner Booth Management
- Website Design
- Sponsor, Partner announcement template
- Speaker, Volunteer announcement template
- Standee, banners and other design material for the venue
- Countdown poster
- Talk session poster template
- Participation Certificate template
- Diversity in Participation
Update on conference date and venue:
Date: 1-2 July
Venue: IIIT Bangalore
Expected no. of participants: 400-500
Meeting on April 13:
Present: @Ganeshaaa, @fossdot
Ganesha Please update the MoM.
@fossdot and I are working towards a quick design MVP for IndiaFOSS conference’s landing page.
Once something concrete is ready we’ll share it with dev.
There will be many volunteers working async - I’ve created an excel as a source of truth to smoothly run our tasks
Additionally @fossdot is setting up a TG group, and a mailing group to facilitate communication between volunteers and external stakeholders.
More updates as they are ready, definitely looking forward to an in-person meetup after 2+ years of remote everything 
1 Like
Talk / Panel discussion selection process: All the talks will be selected by the vote and comments by community members/volunteers in the telegram group. Final discretion with the jury consisting of 4 members - Anand Chitipothu, Kailash Nadh, Rushabh Mehta and me.
MoM: Volunteers’ meeting
Date: 28 June 2022
Present: @Rushabh_Mehta, @Ganeshaaa, @Devdutt, @Anand, @nikochiko & @fossdot
Social media
- Start with sponsor’s posts.
- Finalize the Speaker list, then reveal the speaker list.
- Request sponsors to tweet/post about the conf.
- Rushabh, Anand to reach out to for more sponsorships.
- Book Auditorium II for open-space/BoF
- Aim for a climate-conscious conference. No flex banners/one-time plastic usage materials.
- Open canvas for painting - to encourage participation.
- Try and find a professional painter for sponsor booths
- Catering order at the last week.
- Steel glasses for rent are available from local caterers- try and minimize event footprint. NO PLASTIC bottles.
- Childcare: Parents can attend the event. Anand is coordinating this.
Event Format
- IndiaFOSS 2020 conference was packed with no breathing space- this one needs to have time in between talks.
- Talks should have themes, this will be finalized in later conversations once all CFPs are received.
- Opening talks for each day about themes is being planned by Rushabh and Anand.
- Dev sprint after the talks on day 1; which can go up 8 PM/10 PM. Planned by Devdutt
- Volunteers, sponsors & speakers dinner after day 1.
- Photography to be done by volunteers.
- Ask for the camera from FOSS United TG members.
- Rushabh to check with Frappe freelance for the videography.
- Vishal to check with other options for videography.