[MoM] IndiaFOSS 3.0 - Volunteers’ Sync (25/08/2023)
Attendees: Sai Rahul, Riya Sabu, Ansh, Karan, Aldrin, Muhd Yaseen, Priyanshi, Ruchika, Mars, Riya
Initial discussion was around the possibility of parallel sessions at the conference apart from the talks.
- These could include workshops, demos, experience labs, BoFs, open discussions etc.,
- These would also become the avenue for networking parallel to the talks, that gives a fair-like compared to a corporate feeling.
- Few things agreed upon:
- These activities could be both structured and unstructured.
- Open spaces will be made available for adhoc discussions, BoFs and others activities.
- Along-with checking the prospect of community showcase, mini-workshops, demos etc., which could be prior announced.
Early discounts will be closing on 28/08 - Hence provide a one-day reminder on all social media handles.
Website: Big bottleneck removed in web design, development has started and is expected to finish in a few days for website launch.
Community partnership:
- Aiming to curate a diverse set of community partners from different sectors - developer groups, student communities, open source groups, citizen-sector groups etc.,
- Guidelines for community partners - IndiaFOSS 3.0 - Community Partners
- More stringent outreach to start the coming week.
Marketing: Going on track at a decent pace, tracker being updated, social media access given to whole team.
- Announcement newsletter
- Call for Sponsors
- 5days left for early bird discount
- We have set a cadence of 3 posts a week.
- Throwback video is WIP by Jins
- List of last year assets are collected by Riya
- Some open source contributors are shortlisted by Yaseen. Next step is to create a template for the same.
- The SM rollout tracker is updated every week.
- Announcement newsletter
Diversity in FOSS: needs to gain traction, look out for more such people. If not interested for a talk, convert to a panel discussion, and find more people to put along there, without cutting on quality.
Sponsorships: Need to tailor our pitch to companies, upsell existing industry partners, reach out to previous sponsors, and curate a brief about demographics of attendees, engineering managers, software professionals etc as sponsors want to know the audience they will reach if they sponsor, to get more signups and customers to their product, and reach to decision makers in other companies.
FOSS United Survey: Design a survey to better understand our FOSS community - nature, contributions etc.,
- Anonymised in nature with no PII transfer.
- Planned to be curated and launched.
Action items for this week
Work on website landing page, and public view of submissions.
Outreach and onboard community partners
Follow-up on the mails sent as part of diversity outreach, and explore more.
Explore themes for panel discussions
Update the design roll-out list after website design
Follow-up on sponsors and curate FOSS Survey
Send a reminder for early bird tickets closing
Push out social media posts for the week.
Ideas for panel discussion themes plus mini-workshops and other parallel sessions are welcome from everyone. Do share your comments and ideas if you’re interested in taking it up at IndiaFOSS.