Public calendar?

Do we have a public calendar which one can follow?


This sounds like a good idea.

Public calendar for what? FOSS events, or just FOSS United Events?

Done - FOSS United events calendar on Nextcloud

At the moment, events have to be added manually to the calendar but this could be made easier/automatable e.g. if the ics files can be downloaded from the platform and added to the Nextcloud calendar.

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This can be very well automated within nextcloud as well. Nextcloud utilizes CalDAV and webDAV under the hood. The forum also has a thread on adding events via curl requests. So, if curl requests are possible, automating it should also be possible via cronjobs (daily updating).

Iā€™m sorry but it sounds easier to just update the calender manually once a week instead of setting up and maintaining all of that :sweat_smile:

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