Suggestion to add community guideline to Wiki

During IndiaFOSS 3.0, I had a chat with @wisharya and @knadh regarding adding a manifesto or a community guideline for FOSS United on the org level, and the following are the points that we (@wisharya and I) have jotted down.

Community Principles

Inclusivity and Diversity

We welcome everyone, irrespective of their background, expertise, or affiliations, to join, contribute, and flourish within our community.

Collaboration and Participation

Our ethos is rooted in open collaboration, shared knowledge, and collective problem-solving. We foster a milieu where every idea is valued, and every contribution is acknowledged.

Respect and Understanding

We are committed to nurturing a culture of respect and understanding. A comprehensive Code of Conduct will guide our interactions, ensuring a congenial and supportive environment akin to the respectful culture in the community.

Transparency and Openness

We uphold the principles of transparency and openness in all our endeavors. Our decision-making processes and discussions are open, inviting feedback and contributions from all community members.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Our community is a crucible for continuous learning, sharing, and improvement. We promote a culture of curiosity and growth, encouraging every member to learn, share, and evolve.

No Gatekeeping

We respect the diversity in choices of tools and technologies. Rather than imposing specific FOSS solutions, we aim to educate and suggest, allowing individuals to make informed decisions.

User Privacy and Control

Advocacy for software solutions that prioritize user privacy and control is fundamental to our principles. We strive to promote solutions that empower users rather than encroach upon their privacy.

Open Standards

Our advocacy extends to open standards ensuring interoperability, data portability, and a collaborative ecosystem. We believe open standards are pivotal for a cohesive and innovative ecosystem.

Please feel free to add your suggestions, I have already added a page “community guideline” under a wiki which is under review.
Please try to comment before 13th November, 2023; as we need at least a basic guideline to be up.
You can still add and request an edit directly on the wiki page post this deadline as well.


Our current code of conduct is a bit specific to events only - FOSS United - Code of Conduct. Our community is also trying to evolve beyond events, engaging in discussions, contributions etc., Hence, it would be good if can update our code of conduct too, along with the community guidelines - such that it is more generic and inclusive. Thoughts on this ?

Another question was - should we create a unique code of conduct, specific for our flagship events? Such that it provides a more elaborate context on the event. We had attempted and created one for IndiaFOSS 3.0 - Code of Conduct | IndiaFOSS 3.0


Thanks for the suggestion. @stalwartcoder and I will work on the:

  1. Generic CoC.
  2. Flagship Events (IndiaFOSS and FOSS Hack) CoC- We will look into what changes has be made in the existing CoC and post here.