Update on ERPNext implementation at NPOs

Update Date: 22/06/2021

New Organization:

  1. Tech4Good Labs: The Mediation Helpline project by Tech4Good Labs is a phone-based service to provide information, counselling,
    distress support and emergency response to informal labour throughout India. We are planning to release the v1 by mid-July with the features:

    a) A log of all the calls (incoming and outgoing) between workers (labourers) and the Tele-counsellor.
    b) Creation of a document having have all the details of the worker.
    c) Creation of a case, once we have all the details of the worker(s) and actions to manage and monitor using the system.

@Sreeharsha_Thanneeru is also interested to help us with this project related to the Exotel integration with ERPNext.

Ongoing Implementation:

  1. Farm Hill Learning: We have created their website using ERPNext, currently working on the gallery page, where we are trying to manage images of various size in a grid and has a zoom-in feature, since I am new to CSS any help would be appreciated. More details on this on ERPNext forum.
  2. Bhasha Research: Migration of all of their websites has been done to ERPNext except the Archival website. For the eBooks, @Anand suggested to use Internet Archive and embed that link to read the books online, here is a sample of that.

NPOs that have started ERPNext for their day to day job:

  1. Waste Warriors
  2. Periferry

NPOs where the implementation is halted/not started yet:

  1. Anandi: They are still looking into the accounting module after the first demo.
  2. Shambhavam: We will start after the completion of implementation at Farm Hill Learning.
  3. Himalayan Blooms: Due to the internet connectivity issue at their place, they are looking for non-cloud solutions to manage their processes.
  4. Slam Out Loud: No response from their project champion since May.
  5. Mangalore Surf Club: No response from their project champion since May.
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