While some of the tasks are done collectively by @Harsh_Tandiya @mngsh and @mriya11, a few are taken up as individual responsibilities, and projects. The main task concerning the quarter is the platform release, which due to unforeseen circumstances, led to a delay.
Collective Tasks
Platform release
- Fixed for Feb 7th - the release of public alpha.
- The release would have the features put in before.
Collaborate with community volunteers and FOSS Club leads and make onboarding and event hosting a smooth experience for them.
- A rough plan is to set up calls for onboarding (general walk-through in community calls, periodic short calls and one-on-ones as it demands), newsletter for individual onboarding and make demo videos of event admin dashboard usage.
Make documentation.
Individual Tasks and Projects
Riya Mathew
Few features in the platform to be worked on after release:
- Hackathon organisers’ and team dashboard features, to help organise FOSS Club hackathons ( first release would only have FOSS Hack versions as featured hackathons)
- Some level of data migration after release, from other connected apps. Those not done in first release
Make new updates to Mon School
- Workflow to onboard organisations who can create their courses and curriculum.
- Alter the course creation workflow.
- Close the follow-up on current WIP courses and grants.
- A few others to be structured.
Deploy the almost finished instance of our gpt based search tool.
- All of us use ChatGPT heftily at work, so to optimise cost, and make it more usable, I’ve attempted to take API keys and write a search tool for the org, inspired from a few others found in web.
- PS: This is long pending, and would close it this month-end.
Create processes for tech-working - guidelines and a mini constitution-like experiment, that would help us in day-to-day referencing, reporting issues, follow-up etc.,
Experiment with self-hosting, start with a few we need at work. (Personal skill building too, with Mangesh and Harsh)
Harsh Tandiya
Feature addition to the platform:
- Working on FOSS Profile integrations (Github, Medium etc.)
- Event dashboards in a better way.
- Refining the platform to be better, plans to be made post-release retro.
Taking more ownership on the platform project.
Migrate some of the features in LMS that are only specific to Mon School.
Experiment with self hosting.
Mangesh Mane
Platform updates:
- Work on the maintenance of the FOSS United Merchandise Store, after introducing it in first release.
- Setup and develop workflow for generating automated invoices in the platform (needed specifically for IndiaFOSS 4.0)
Structuring and planning about the Student Internship Program
- A new initiative which is being planned internally as of now.
Explore different tools which would help us in scaling and improve our workflows on the development side.
- Like docker and try to make use docker to run frappe bench as a container.
- Self-host some resources we need with Riya and Harsh
Analyzing the AWS resource consumption and try optimising as per the need.
Alongside, we would also be following up with the volunteers who’ve shown interest to volunteer in the tech-side soon.