FOSS Club SRM - Updates thread

This forum thread contains information about FOSS Club SRM, one of the 12 clubs established in the first batch of the FOSS Clubs program by FOSS United Foundation.

The purpose of this thread is to post updates on the club activities, event plans/reports, and projects undertaken by the club.

Team Structure

  Technical - 4
  Outreach - 3
  Creatives -1 

3 month plan


  • Recruit a core team (done)
  • Officially establish the club by taking necessary permissions (in progress)
  • First FOSS event (in progress)

November (likely less activity due to end semester exams)

  • Internal Linux Installation workshop, for the core team to switch to Linux Distributions
  • Working on a plan to recruit new members. We have decided for the club to be open entry.

December (Winter Vacations)

  • Open online recruitments, onboard new members
  • Kickstart an open source project.
  • Plan a Linux installation fest for January.

Post event report

ETHOS: Enter the hub of open source

We had our first event, ETHOS in collaboration with SRMKZILLA on 19th of October,2023.

Event Structure

  • 1-1:15 PM - Opening Note
  • 1:15 - 1:30 - Introduction to FOSS United
  • 1:30-2:30 - A talk on open source by @iamimmanuelraj ,wherein he talked about benefits of contributing to open source,his journey and the projects he maintains. Much like the First Commit : FOSS contribution stories program
  • 2:30-3:00 - Break
  • 3:00-4:00 - Good open source practices, differentiating between bad,good and excellent PRs, how to make your first contribution,intro to git and github.


Registration Count 210
Total Attendance 119


Participant Feedback Session 1 Session 2
Very well organised 4 5
Very good 5 5
Good but it was very basic level ut could have been imhanced 4 3
nice event 4 4
Good 4 3
fine 4 4
IDK what was missing but couldn’t the vibe… 3 2
It was good and helpful but if you guys make this event as a practical it will be more useful just given lecture 3 3
Nothing as such 4 4
Decent, can improve the timming 4 3
Infomative but not as enjoyable 3 4
It was fun 3 4
Open source information was good, could have added more about contribtuting to it 4 4
Event was little too long, rest was very good 4 3
Very good 5 5
The game during the break was good 3 3
Good but had some basic information 2 3
already knew about foss and srmkzilla, good 4 4
new to open source, thanks for telling about foss and open source 5 5
git and github session was basic 3 2
Heard first time about pixel extended, quite informative 4 4


  • The duration of the event should not be too long since participants lose interest by the end.
  • Make sure for the event to not clash with tests,labs etc.
  • The introduction to FOSS United deck ( used for FOSS meetups) seems to bore the students, just give a brief introduction to the foundation and things that are relevant to them.
  • Encourage students to attend the monthly meetups.
  • Keep a talk + practical workshop structure.

Quick update: Considering I haven’t been able to give much time at FOSS Club SRM (compared to other FOSS Club leads at least), we’ve decided that it’s in the best interest of the club for me to step down from the position and onboard a new club lead. We’ll be promoting one of our core team members for the same. I’ll still be around in an mentor sort of position, helping them out wherever needed (like I do for other FOSS clubs), but they’ll be leading the club directly under FOSS United.

More updates to follow.