FOSS Explained by FOSS United

Exciting News for FOSS Enthusiasts!

Hey FOSS Community!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new initiative - FOSS Explained!

Our aim is to create and present content about FOSS United as an organisation and our core effort to push Free and Open Source Software, that engages with our existing community, and reaches a new audience in a meaningful way.

We are gearing up to go live very soon, bringing you engaging content and fascinating insights. Stay tuned for some truly innovative ideas we are cooking up!

Your support is crucial to make this initiative a resounding success. We need your response and backing to ensure that FOSS Explained makes a deep impact in the FOSS community.

Share your feedback, awesome ideas, and any content you think we should draw inspiration from. We value your input and want to tailor our content to what YOU want to see!

What video topics related to FOSS would you like us to cover? Let us know your suggestions and watch them come to life!

Get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us - together, let’s unravel the wonders of FOSS like never before!


Is it FOSS Explained or FOSS United explained?

I believe it is FOSS explained.

Some suggestions,

  • Free software philosaphy and open source philosophy
  • Concept of maintainership
  • Project management in FOSS
  • Community management in FOSS
  • Open washing and other dangerous trends
  • How to make the first contribution without harming the project

Hey Folks, It’s been almost a month since we started, and we have made decent progress, tinkered around with a few ideas, both good and bad, received feedback and iterated on it. Here’s a summary of what we’ve done so far:

  1. Re-purposed content from our talks, we aimed to have more content pieces out by now, but we’ve made strong processes, which are fluid and adapt to changes, hopefully by the next update in a month, this part will have been improved upon, work is underway.

  2. We experimented by jumping on existing popular trends to expand our audience base, but that was farming for cheap views, and after going through a feedback loop, we determine that does not fit well with our goals, so we will focus on going deeper into our existing content pipeline, form a solid base with it, and then move to event-based or trendy marketing if it fits our bill. This was a deviation, we learnt from it, and focus is completely on slow, but meaningful growth to our content, with a focus on FOSS United as an organisation as well. If something relatable and value adding comes up, we’ll pursue it but we’ll stop actively looking towards doing such stuff.

  3. We’ve expanded our content strategy to not just make reels, but long form posts too, which will encapsulate a lot of contextual discussion, spread awareness about FOSS, Public Policy, Privacy + Open Source (owning our data and code), discussions on the FOSS ecosystem, and a lot more. We will slowly scale this up, and update here.

  4. One Good News: Our reel on Devika AI, an open source alternative to Devin is just shy of 100k views. It is an important milestone we should hit soon, and is a huge morale booster. As previously mentioned about event based content, this is a good example we should look towards.

Thanks for reading, and do let us know if there’s something you’d like us to cover!

Good suggestions, some of these are already in our planned content pipeline, and others make a good addition. We’ll work on these.

Could you elaborate more on Open Washing and other dangerous trends, just to get some context around it, and we can incorporate it better.

Also, do point to any existing articles/content you thing relates to this, and any shortcomings if you see, which makes them unable to convey the true essence. That’d be super helpful for us.

If you have any instances in mind, which can help us better assert the importance of these points, send them our way as well.


  1. Openwashing - Wikipedia
  2. Mozilla cautions India's national open digital plan is 'open-washing' • The Register
  3. India’s Contact Tracing App Is a Bridge Too Far | Council on Foreign Relations
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