IndiaFOSS 2024 - Feedback

It’s a wrap! With 1600+ registrations (and 1300+ attendees in person), 44 talks, 7 workshops, 8 Birds of a Feather sessions and 14 on spot lightning talks - IndiaFOSS 2024 finally comes to an end. We thank you for showing up in unexpectedly huge numbers and hope you had fun at the event!

While a feedback form will soon be shared with all attendees sometime this week, we are creating this post if you’d like to post your thoughts while the event is still fresh in your mind.


Special thanks for arranging daycare


Some blog posts about the event


We are incredibly happy to hear that @Marshel_Abraham ! We weren’t sure if people would actually make use of the daycare facilities so even one person giving us feedback is sufficient for us to do it again next year! :smiley:


This was my first FOSS event in a really long time and honestly I was blown away.

We should encourage the community to engage more on this forum as a habit. Async conversations like this will help take participation in any and all events to the next level.

I want to specially thank the volunteers who made it happen behind the scenes. Looking forward to the next one!


It was a fun and enriching event. Many thanks and kudos to the organisers! Looking forward to the next edition.


Had a blast this year. Really engaging and I hope to see this continue for a very long time.

Feedbackwise, I have two things to point out:
i) Workshops:

  • The Wi-Fi connection took some time to set up and was not sufficient to download some of the files needed quick enough. A public wi-fi that everyone are informed of beforehand would have helped.

  • The Godot Workshop I attended required a particular set of software and libraries that were pre-requisites and had to be installed on the day itself, This could have been avoided by having this info shared during the workshop announcements or on the FOSS United website.

ii) Coffee
Some extra coffee would have gone a long way.


My blog post on my experience. Thanks, and I look forward to attending next year!


Hey @safwan_samsudeen ! Your blogpost has already made the rounds on the public Matrix/Telegram group and @ansh liked it above in IndiaFOSS 2024 - Feedback - #4 by ansh. Great write up.

I’m long been interested in both technology/CS and public policy/law. I’ve been avoiding making a choice for years, but as I wrap up high school in a couple months, I’ve been acutely aware of the uncomfortable fact that I have to make a decision.

At IndiaFOSS, there were so many booths dedicated purely to tech policy. Many of my most interesting conversations and valuable connections happened here. I met with the founders of Tattle, a brilliant company that uses technology to combat misinformation and hate online. I spoke with members of the Internet Freedom Foundation (including the guy who sued West Bengal from above). Apart from this, a constant theme was the idea of contributing to society — sometimes indirectly, like solving problems, but often very directly with issues I want to work on, issues that very directly hit society — education, public infrastructure, health, and others.

IndiaFOSS destroyed this notion of a binary choice between the two. Honestly, this conference would have been worth it just for that.
