Minutes of the meeting
IndiaFOSS sync#1
@Shree_Kumar @Siddharth_Shivkumar @ansh (conference co-chairs)
@wisharya @JESWIN_JOSE
- What’s new at IndiaFOSS 2025
- Sponsorship Updates
- Devrooms
- Day 0 for workshops
What’s new at IndiaFOSS 2025
- Expecting 2500+ in person registrations
- Introducing virtual registrations
- 2x the number of booths (60+)
- Ticket pricing to stay the same, merch prices will be increased
- Contributor tickets to be highlighted better this year. We can run a campaign for this (@ashlesh )
- The CFP form has been revamped to get better detailed proposals. (Revamp of the CFP form · fossunited/fossunited · Discussion #776 · GitHub)
- Review process for IndiaFOSS
- Active volunteers are picked from the CFP review workgroup (meetups)
- Industry and Community partners are encouraged to join the CFP review team
- 5-6 reviewers ideally
- Reviews to be done on rolling basis this year instead of after the CFP deadline
- [Suggestion] Instead of everyone reviewing the proposals, specific CFPs can be assigned to different reviewers (based on their background?)
- 234 proposals for IndiaFOSS 2024, 30% got rejected in first round because of irrelevance to the event/spam/AI-generated content.
- Schedule should be out at least 1-2 months before the event.
- Reviewers will work with the proposers who apply early, giving them regular feedback on the talks.
All conference chairs voted in favor of devrooms.
- A maximum of 4 devrooms can be hosted over 2 days
- Registrations should be opened ASAP. Since devrooms are a mini conference in itself, it will require at least 3-4 months to get speakers etc.
- The devroom organiser+volunteers will have to manage it end to end, reducing overhead on the foundation/IndiaFOSS volunteering team.
- Additional costs for livestreaming and recording of devrooms are to be factored in.
- We discussed potential devrooms and who might be interested in organising one - FOSS in science (@rahulporuri ), audio tech, open hardware ( @Amit_G @Balu_B ), OSS sustainability, SOSS (@Ram_Iyengar )
Day 0
- We discussed the possibility of a day 0 (on Friday) specifically for workshops at IndiaFOSS.
- Sponsor workshops and any other major workshops will be held on this day.
- Depending on the number of devrooms happening, we may or may not have smaller workshops during the main conference.
- A small ticket price (100-200rs) will be kept for the workshop as a token amount, to reduce no shows and plan better.
- Currently looking at RV university or Samagata Foundation +Takshashila as the venue .
- Updated deck (https://fossunited.org/files/IndiaFOSS%202025%20Sponsorship%20Deck.pdf)
- Started reaching out to previous sponsors, soft confirmations from a few.
- Discussions ongoing with Plane, Grafana, Source Code Control.
- Juspay mentioned that they are interested but it’s too soon for them to close it.
- Proposal: Community-run Devrooms at IndiaFOSS
- Revamp of the CFP form · fossunited/fossunited · Discussion #776 · GitHub
- GitHub - fossunited/indiafoss-handbook: Handbook for organizers of the IndiaFOSS conference by FOSS United
- [Planning] IndiaFOSS 2024 - #36 by wisharya
- [Planning] IndiaFOSS 2024 - #5 by wisharya
- IndiaFOSS 2024 - Feedback - #13 by rahulporuri
- Ansh to set up a bi-weekly call at Wednesday 2PM. (done - Jitsi Meet)
- @wisharya to work on the budget
- @Shree_Kumar @Siddharth_Shivkumar will go through the above resources and continue asking more questions about IndiaFOSS
Thanks @Siddharth_Shivkumar for helping with the minutes of this meeting