Introduce yourself - $whoami

Please use this thread

  • Introduce yourself to the community
  • How you are involved in open source world, if any
  • Which open source softwares you love the most
  • How do you keep yourself updated with the latest technology

Ok let me start

Iam Ram. I am kubernetes contributor and scratching my head to become postgresql contributor. I worked for very large Indian govt digital projects like gstn and India post built completely on oss.Built products on top of kubernetes. Have previous experience running software training institute and doing farming.

My expertise is around building highly scalable software systems, k8s, openshift, Java and golang.

I am fan of jenkins and apache camel

Participating in Hackathons, Tech Conferences, oss Contribution, give me insights into latest technologies

Introduction of each one will give insights on what I can learn and share with the community.


Kailash. Hobbyist developer / hacker. Been writing code and building software for close to two decades.

Been working on capital markets / investment and trading platforms for the last 7 years (stumbled upon this by happenstance) at

Have a bunch of projects documented on my personal website


I am Rushabh, started writing Frappe Framework in 2005. Now part of Frappe 100% of what we do is FOSS. Incredibly lucky to work with an amazing team. Personally worked on Python & JS. Big fan of object oriented programming and design.

I believe in doing things and making things happen (since there enough people talking about it). I think free code brings freedom to humanity.


Hello Everyone
It is good to see a forum just for FOSS in India :smiley:
I am an ERP consultant and implementer, mostly dealing in ERPNext for now. Hobby wise Package Mantainer at Manjaro Linux ARM Project.

  • How you are involved in open source world, if any
    Contributor to ERPNext, Manjaro Linux OS

  • Which open source softwares you love the most
    Ofcourse all the Linux Distro’s, ERPnext (Livelihood) :stuck_out_tongue:, LibreOffice and many more.

  • How do you keep yourself updated with the latest technology
    Stay connected to the forums of the project I follow.


Hello Everyone,

This is Shashank. I work for Scrapinghub since Oct 2018 and is amazed by the Remote-Working possibilities I’ve seen. I work as a Python developer building Scrapy spiders at scale.

I started as a volunteer for PyDelhi (Python user group of Delhi) and now I help organize its meetups and support other communities. I was part of core volunteer team of PyCon India from 2016 till 2018.

I finished my Google Summer of Code in 2018 with Debian where I worked on a FOSS software that can help new coders with the basic terminologies about FOSS and more.

Happy to be here. :slight_smile:


Hello :wave:

I am Sagar. Self-taught developer who accidentally bumped into FOSS. Working exclusively on all things ERPNext at Resilient Tech.

In addition to the Frappe Framework, I love the Cinnamon desktop environment, Flask and VS Code OSS (yes, Micr*soft).

I enjoy writing Python and Javascript. Simple is better than complex.

Find me on Github.


Hello Friends :slightly_smiling_face:

This is Jegan - Learn By Doing - Make it simple. Developer / Have been working into Retail & Banking domains.

In Open Source - Started exploring “Hugo” :slight_smile:

Happy to write simple Unix - Awk, Sed one line commands because it would take me about 10-20 lines in Java for certain use cases :slight_smile: am also enjoying writing python code these days like Sagar :slight_smile:


Hey all,
This is Sudarsan, 3rd year engineering grad. Taking baby steps in contributing to open source. Looking forward to contribute towards “Distributed system” technologies.


Hi, this is Aditya.

I’m a developer, a hobbyist biker, and a Linux enthusiast. When not riding into the sunset, and not being a general nuisance, I like to experiment with new systems and concepts in technology.

My latest obsession centers on developing and promoting an open source, temporal graph data store (, and building an active community of users and contributors around it.


:wave: Hey, I’m Liyas — engineer at Sensibull, previously at Buy me a coffee.

I maintain and contribute to couple of open source projects.

My last project, Postwoman - an open, free & fast API request builder is used by 330k+ developers from around the world.

I learn new things from reading books, building projects, etc.


Welcome @everyone.

@Aditya_Mukhopadhyay RecallGraph looks interesting. Would be nice to see some benchmarks / performance metrics.

@liyasthomas Postwoman is sweet!


Hi, I am Aniketh Saha, I am contributing to open source for more than 1.5 years now.
I am a maintainer of cssnano and docsify.
I am also a committer of eslint and also team member of webpack, verdaccio and posthtml.
I first contributed to webpack and since then it changed everything for me, in the beginning, it was a bit scary but now it’s an awesome world.
I keep updating myself with the latest technology mostly through the community in twitter.

You can find me mostly in Github or in twitter

Glad to be here.


Hey Everyone! :smile:
I am Kajol, 3rd year undergrad. I started my open source journey around 1 back and I am growing everyday by learning and exploring new things. I love working with python, Django, Angular and NodeJs.

You can find me here at Github


@knadh Thanks! Benchmarks have been on the cards for a while. Part of the tracing and instrumentation support I want to build into the service. However, none of the standard JS tracing libraries could work OOTB since the environment in which RecallGraph runs (V8 engine on ArangoDB) is 100% synchronous.

I’m in the process of rolling out a tracing framework of my own, built specifically for this environment. Should be ready in less than a week. Relevant links below:

  1. - An OpenTracing implementation for Foxx
  2. - A collector service for foxx-tracer

There are a couple of more project links that point to reporters (console and Datadog), but my current privileges restrict me from posting them here right now.

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I am Vivek, I work at Zerodha as a fullstack software dev. I am involved in FOSS activities since early 2010, was a volunteer of FSFTN. Worked on their early website and arranged local meetups on a few occasions. Been writing tiny opensource libs/apps since then, mostly for personal experience.

Favourite OSS are Go, Redis, Git and several Unix tools (grep, curl to name few). Also, enjoy working on Python whenever I get a chance.

For me the go-to source for tech update is HN.


Hi All
This is Srujan. I work for a consultancy behemoth as an Associate Developer. I feel lucky to get to work with open source softwares like HAProxy, Apache Httpd, JBoss etc. I write ugly bash scripts to process data, automate and deal with multiple VMs. I love open source due to the sheer pleasure it gives to be a part of a like-minded and supportive community and I truly believe in free software.

I love python due to the principles that it was built on. I also like git, Jenkins.

I am in an initial stages of my career and excited about the journey.


I’m Anand. I’ve been writing software for close to two dacades.

I’ve built at the Internet Archive, co-authored I’m back in my open world now after trying a startup for last few years.

My recent project is Archive Pages, a github pages like system for the internet archive.


Hello everyone!
It is truly inspiring to read all of your journeys and inspirations. The contributions all of you have is incredible.
I am Yash Sonar and I am relatively new to FOSS. Looking at the interactive community and the support, I feel like contributing more and more here. Looking forward to many many worthwhile contributions to FOSS in the coming years. Lucky to be a part of this amazing community!