IndiaFOSS 2024 Diversity Volunteers Sync [July 3,2024]
Agenda - Diversity Scholarships
Attendees @wisharya @Siddharth_Shivkumar @Suslime @Ruchika Priyanshi
- Updates and context from Diversity Scholarships last year
Diversity Scholarships - IndiaFOSS
Diversity Scholarships Report
Plans for this year
- Continue outreach towards organisations that work with people from underrepresented communities.
- Open applications will also have the option to recommmend organisations/individuals who should be part of the program.
- Do not restrict the scholarship amount to a certain number (1500rs last year), it restricts people who are far away from Bangalore to be able to attend.
- We can have a field for them to mention the amount they may require to be able to comfortably attend the confernece, and the approvals can be done depending on amount raised.
- Efforts that go into accommodating diversity scholars should be considered under the costs for diversity scholarships. ( for example @rahulporuri suggested if we can have people from institutions for people with hearing problems at the conference, that may require hiring an interpreter)
- Volunteers can catch up with the scholars a day before, and walk them through the various activities happening at IndiaFOSS. (we should however be vary of not invading their personal space - Consent could be taken as part of the application, if they would like to be part of this “experience” we create for them)
- Focus on reaching out to people from northern and eastern parts of India, since we have less participants from those regions at the conference.
- Vishal to open the donation page for Diversity Scholarships.
- Volunteers will start looking for and reaching out to potential organisations/individuals that can be part of the program.