[Planning] IndiaFOSS 2024

We are excited to announce IndiaFOSS 2024, the fourth edition of the Free and Open Source Software (and Hardware!) conference organised by the FOSS United community.

Important Links:

Call for Proposals
Suggestions thread
Suggest a Speaker

All relevant links will be added here.

This forum post is to be used as a planning thread pertaining to all related discussions, meeting notes, and linking relevant threads.


Minutes of the meeting #1

Attendees - Vishal, Ansh

1. Talks:

  • The date announcement reel is in process (now posted).
  • CFP to open in first week of April and a committee will be sought after starting 15th April with an expected conclusion by 30th June.
  • The committee will start reviewing proposals from 1st July for a period of 3-4 weeks. - The schedule release is set for August first week tentatively.

2. Sponsorships

  • Sponsorship deck to be released on 15th April.
  • The last date to onboard sponsors is 15th August.
  • Received interest from Logitech for a sponsorship

3. Project and Community Tables

  • Make IndiaFOSS into a fair. Allow as many as possible projects to be featured (maybe chage a nominal fee for the table, tv screens if required etc.)
  • Calls for Software and Hardware Showcases will be made. There will also be dedicated community tables.

4. Diversity

  • More focus on diversity scholarships this year. Perhaps include an option to donate while registering.
    Diversity Scholarships - IndiaFOSS

  • Focus on inviting diverse speakers, communities.

5. Guides

  • Participants & Speakers | FAQs
  1. Accommodation
  2. Travel
  3. Places to visit in Bangalore
  4. Food to try
  • Speakers’ FAQs
  1. OS Guideline
  2. Mock session before the talk
  3. Free/+1 tickets
  4. Travel Support
  5. Slide Submission
  6. Collect contact details post talk confirmation

6. Children

  • The conference should be made open to kids. Seperate activities to be planned.
  • Parents can bring along their children aged 5-15, free tickets perhaps.
  • Vishal will get in touch with a daycare service.

7. Tickets

  • Early bird tickets will open on 1 May.
  • Regular tickets will open on 15th June.
  • The maximum ticket count is set to be 1500.
  • Use razorpay invoice feature as per request


  1. Registration Page: Ask for food preference, dietary restrictions
  2. Tickets module
  3. Conference Page
  4. Donate Section
  5. CP section changes: adjust 6 CPs logo in one row in large screen and 2 in mobile view
  6. Speakers sneak peak on homepage
  7. FOSS Projects
  8. Move volunteers to a dedicated page
  9. Schedule Redesign
  10. Ticket Transfer
  11. Invoice generation

9. Marketing

  • Content
  1. Newsletter
  2. Social Media
  3. Partnerships
  • Design
  1. Social Media Cards
  2. Banners: Vertical and horizontal
  3. ID Sticker
  4. Sticker
  5. Venue Space Management (Get printed copy)
  6. Signage
  7. Backdrop for auditoriums and livestream
  • Community Partnership
  1. Reach out to old partners
  2. Find new partners through outreach. Less focus on marketing partnerships.
  • Video Content


  1. AV
  2. Food
  3. WiFi
  4. Sockets
  5. More Water Stations

11. Conf day

  • Unconference
  • Workshops
  • Lightning Talks
  • BoF sessions
1 Like

Proposed Budget for IndiaFOSS 2024

Estimated Income
Source Count Rate Amount
FU Annual Fund 1 2800000 2800000
T-shirt Sale 500 500 250000
Ticket sales - Student 500 400 200000
Ticket sales - General 500 800 400000
Ticket sales - Early Bird 200 600 120000
Potential Sponsors 2 300000 600000
Diversity Sponsorship 10 15000 150000
Total 4520000
Estimated Expense
Item Category Amount
Stay - Volunteers Travel 250000
Travel - Volunteers Travel 400000
Travel - Speakers Travel 200000
Venue Rent Venue 660800
AV + Venue setup Venue 453120
Food - Lunch and Snacks Food 1500000
Breakfast Food 75000
Recording, Photography and Livestreaming Production 300000
Banner, Poster and Signage Branding and Swag 30000
T-shirt Branding and Swag 250000
Stickers Branding and Swag 30000
Stationary Venue 30000
Rama Tent - Mattress Venue 10000
Diversity Scholars Travel 150000
Total 4338920

Minutes of the meeting #2

Attendees - Ansh,Vishal

  • Sponsorship deck to be finalised this week - Will schedule a call with @rahulporuri
  • Call for volunteers form to be circulated in city volunteer and club lead groups for first phase of volunteering.
  • Draft budget is released.
  • Finalise and Invite members for the CFP review committee
  • Draft content for speaker outreach and start sending invitations to potential speakers.
  • Prepare marketing content
  • Design tracker to be created and shared with FOSS United design team
  • Send emails to previous year attendees once CFPs open.

Minutes of the meeting #3

Attendees- Sai Rahul, Ansh, Vishal
Reg. Sponsorships at IndiaFOSS

  • Vishal proposed to bring down the price of the highest sponsor tier (to something like 3 lakhs ).
  • We didn’t come to a conclusion on this, will have another discussion on this decision before moving ahead.
  • The communications with sponsor (and the deck) should make it clear that there are no talks for sponsors. Any sponsors interested in giving a talk should follow the standard CFP path.
  • We should start reaching out to potential and past sponsors by next week. We can start the conversations, updating the sponsorship deck is not an immediate requirement as of now.


  • Make a list of companies to reach out to and add them to the IndiaFOSS tracker.

IndiaFOSS Volunteers’ Sync - #1

May 17th, 9PM
Attendees - Vishal, Ansh, Rahul, Riya, Ruchika, Mangesh, Akshit, Arun, Deveesh, Faizan, Dheeraj, Justin, Vidhya, Vishal Kashyap, Yash
Agenda: Volunteer Introductions, Sharing updates so far

IndiaFOSS 2024 - Updates

1. Volunteering

  • Open Call scheduled for the first week of June (Phase 2).
  • Additional volunteers may be recruited if needed.

2. Tracker

  • A conference tracker is being maintained here

3. Tickets

  • Early Bird Tickets:
    • Sold out.
  • Standard and Student Tickets:
    • Now available.
    • Social media post to follow.
  • Contributor Tickets:
    • 7 8 tickets sold.

4. Talks

  • Call for Proposals (CFPs):
    • 12 18 talks submitted so far.
  • CFP closes in June end.
  • Need to push CFP promotion; reminder posts to be made in the third and fourth week of June.
  • Email to previous attendees and speakers to be sent (Ruchika).
  • Rahul, Vishal, and Ansh to finalize and send invitations to CFP review team.
  • Content team to draft the invitation email for the review team.
  • CFP deadline: End of June.
  • Tech team to update the website.
  • Add CFP deadline to the posts.
  • Reviews to start on July 1.
  • Schedule release: August 7.

5. Sponsorships

  • Sponsorship Deck:
    • Final version available at Sponsorship Deck Link.
    • Volunteers to share the deck with their employers and other companies.
    • Last date to onboard sponsors: August 15.
    • Will start reaching out to companies that showed interest last year.

6. Parallel Session Management

  • Sessions:
    • Software showcase and hardware showcase planned.
    • List of communities and people to be contacted for potential showcases.

7. Diversity

  • Diverse Speakers:
    • Hari and Ruchika to find and reach out to diverse speakers.
  • Diversity Scholarships:
    • Explanation and process to be discussed.
    • Budget: 55k+ remaining.
  • Child Care:
    • Vishal and the diversity team to manage this (planning activities for kids).

8. Guides

  • Content Team Tasks:
    • Create FAQs for participants and speakers.
    • Information on accommodation, travel, and places to visit in Bangalore.
    • Draft invitation emails for review team, speakers, and participants.
  • Speakers’ FAQs:
    • Operating System Guidelines - We prefer presenations on a linux system
    • Mock session details.
    • Free tickets and travel support (if applicable).
    • Slide submission instructions.
    • Collect Contact information.
  • Participant FAQs:
    • General information and common questions.

9. Community Partnership

  • Old Partners:
    • Reach out to previous partners.
  • Prospectus:
    • Create a community partnership prospectus.
  • New Partners:
    • Identify and reach out to potential new partners.

10. Questions and Suggestions

  • Task Distribution:
    • Suggestion to ensure tasks are well-distributed among volunteers to avoid burnout and ensure volunteers have time to rest and also check out the conference.

IndiaFOSS Marketing Volunteers’ Sync

May 31st, 3:00 PM

Attendees: @ansh @Varshita_Suresh @Ruchika @Subroto_Banerjee @KaranGandhi

Agenda: Immediate and long term requirements for marketing, assigning roles to volunteers

Posting requirements

  • CFP reminder posts [30D/15D/7D/1D Left]
  • Workshop reminder post (Same link as CFP)
  • Call for community partners post (7-8th June)

Marketing Timeline

  • Current phase of IndiaFOSS promos end by June End
  • FOSS Hack Content in July
  • Back to IndiaFOSS content in August

Content Specific CTAs

  • Following talks review and confirmation, reach out to speakers, inviting a small recorded clip (introduction, about their talk etc) for social media content.
  • Similar stuff for FOSS Hack, from previous participants and winners.

IndiaFOSS Community Partnerships volunteers’ sync #1

  • Vidhya to work on the 2024 Community Partnership Prospectus
  • Dheeraj to start creating a tracker and list of communities we’ve partnered with previously
  • Faizan will be the POC for CP related queries
  • Announcing call for community partners by 10th of June ( @JessJoe @jeswin_josu can we get the designs ready by 8th?)

Sharing references for community partnerships from previous events @callmevidhya -

IndiaFOSS 3.0 community partners
IndiaFOSS 3.0 CP prospectus
IndiaFOSS 2.0 Partners
IndiaFOSS 2.0 prospectus
FOSS hack partners
FOSSHack prospectus

IndiaFOSS Design Sync #1

Attendees: Ansh, Ruchika, Jeswin, Jessica

  • Jeswin and Jessica will set up a design tracker like last year and walk the volunteers through our design scheme etc.
  • Jessica to create the call for community partners post for now.
  • Thereon, we’ll take the volunteers’ help for designs and both of them will focus on FOSSHack and other verticals.

IndiaFOSS Volunteers’ Sync - #2

June 7th, 9PM
Attendees - Ansh,Harsh, Karan, Akshit, Arun, Faizan, Dheeraj, Justin, Vidhya, Vishal Kashyap, Yash, Arya, Yuktha, Inaya, Isha

Updates so far


  • 418 tickets sold including 150 student tickets, 9 contributor tickets.
  • We have 250 student tickets left


  • 25 submissions so far. The CFP count so far is very low.
  • Asked the volunteers to share the CFP link within their circles.
  • We need to plan a marketing strategy around the call for proposals
  • Karan is working on reels/shorts from last years’ talks.
  • Ruchika has sent an email sent to speakers from previous events
  • CFP closes on June 30th

Other updates

  • Call for community tables, project expos to open this week.
  • The FOSS United team to visit the venue (NIMHANS) this week.
  • CFP review team invitations are being sent. We have received confirmations from 4 reviewers


  • Didn’t get any money in the last week :smile:
  • Few conversations are going on with Linux Foundation, Igalia and some incoming interests
  • Parallel sessions outreach to start next week.
  • Next priority is the call for Community Partners.
  • Vidhya is preparing a community partnership prospectus, Dheer is working on a list of previous partners.


  • Ansh and Ruchika to submit an application for the DEI badge by CHAOSS communitty.
  • Ruchika is working on a list of people to reach out to.
  • Need to start working on Diversity Scholarships


  • Market the call for proposals
  • More outreach needed for Parallel Sessions and Unc-onference track
  • Assign tasks and responsibilities to volunteers.

MoM: Marketing + Content Sync [10th June 2024, 3:00 PM]

Attendees: Hari, Varshita, Justin, Arun, Akshit, Subroto, Karan

2 types of content to be made:

  • Insight and Talk clip based reels
  • Promo based reels

Current status

  • Effort already underway for previously delivered talk-based under FOSS Explained, will collaborate with volunteers to accelerate it, final polishing and editing to be done by volunteers, following the reel content clipping, and caption done. Will promote IndiaFOSS using this, with a CTA clip added to the reels.

  • Promotional reels to be made, solely volunteer driven.

2-3 ideas being drafted, updates by Friday, 14th June.

@Justin_Benito will be helping with video editing.

@Arun_kumar_V will be working on a promo video which is based on IndiaFOSS 3.0 montage.


MoM Speaker Outreach [11th June 2024, 11:00 AM]

Attendees - Harsh Patel, Hari , Venkatesh, Subroto

  • Get the Speaker Invitation Email Draft from Content Team (P1)

  • Created a sheet in tracker for speakers [Created and Updated]

  • @Subroto_Banerjee will see through the IF23 Speakers to send invite to them


IndiaFOSS Volunteers’ Sync

June 14th, Friday, 9PM

Attendees: Ansh, Vishal Arya, Rahul, Ruchika, Harsh, Karan, Arun, Vishal Kashyap, Akshit, Subroto, Dheeraj.

General Outreach + Speaker Updates

  • 100 student tickets left
  • Late Bird tickets to be released soon @ INR 1100
  • To Do: Reach out to earlier rejected speakers from last IndiaFOSS,
  • Emails sent to all city meet-up speakers so far, follow up emails to be sent

Social Media

  • Photos from IndiaFOSS 3.0 Received, content team will work on creating a montage
  • Reaching out to previous year volunteers, participants to be done, create bytes of their experience for IndiaFOSS promotions
  • More focus on CFP, talks, and other posts so that we can promote what’s in the conference
  • Ticket sales are going well, mostly milestone posts with number of tickets left.
  • Ideating on some campaign to push CFPs.


  • Coordination with design, marketing, and content verticals to push out posts.


  • Conversations underway with a few organisations
  • ToDO - reach out to previous sponsors

IndiaFOSS Volunteers’ sync #4

Pre-meeting Updates

Tracker IndiaFOSS 2024 - Tracker - Google Sheets


  • 726 tickets sold
  • Student tickets are sold out


59 submissions - 24 talk proposals this week
CFPs are closing in 30 days


  • Lambdatest has confirmed to continue being an Industry Partner
  • Linux Foundation has confirmed a sponsorship. Rahul is meeting them tomorrow to iron out details


  • Vishal and Ansh visited NIMHANS last Monday for planning out the arrangements for tables

  • Planning 30 tables/booths on ground floor this year

  • Vishal shared pictures of booths that we can give to projects/sponsors if they’d like to pay extra for a better setup. Pics are in the venue topic on telegram

  • Call for booths to open soon. Plan for this year is -


IndiaFOSS Volunteers’ sync #4 MoM


• Reach-out underway to a couple of speakers.
• Discussion on a panel that can be organised, the team will work towards finding, discussion upon, and then contacting possible panelists.
• Diversity guidelines to be drafted, can be put up with the conference guidelines.


• Not much updates, volunteers will come up with some ideas to execute.
• Standard posts for CFPs, deadlines etc will continue to go up.

It was a short meeting, other major updates were covered in the pre-meeting notes.

IndiaFOSS Volunteers’ sync #5

Pre-meeting Updates

Tracker IndiaFOSS 2024 - Tracker - Google Sheets


  • 747 tickets sold


  • 103 submissions - 44 talk proposals this week
  • CFPs to close on 30th June → 7 July (if deadline extension happens)


  • Linux Foundation has joined as a Gold Sponsor.
  • Requestly has joined as a Gold Sponsor
  • Entri has shown interest in sponsoring IndiaFOSS.
  • Igalia, Snowflake and Plane will not be sponsoring this year.
  • Started a conversation with Grafana labs.

Updates from other workgroups to be shared in the volunteers’ sync.


IndiaFOSS Volunteers’ sync #5

Updates from respective workgroups -


  • Every volunteer is trying to reach out to and coordinate with 15 potential speakers.
  • Outreach going well, a few speakers have submitted proposals

Community Partnerships

  • Vishal shared few contacts of python groups with the team, have reached out to them.
  • All communities have been asked to fill the community partnership form to keep all responses collated at one place.
  • Waiting to get a good number of applications, will divide them among the volunteers’ later and start reviewing.
  • No deadline for applications as of now

No major updates from the marketing, design and content team.

The CFP deadline is being extended to July 7

MoM Speaker Outreach connect [1st July 2024, 11:00 AM]

Atrendees: Venkatesh, Harsh Patel, Vishal Kashyap, Hari

  • Just one week left for CFPs.
  • Aggressively reach out to potential speakers.
  • A target of around 5 speakers per volunteer.
  • Follow up with potential speakers we have already reached out to.
  • Hari will be sharing email template to use when reaching out to speakers.