[Planning] IndiaFOSS 2024

Income & Expenses

All amounts are in ₹

Source Count Rate Actual Amount
T-shirt Sale 293 500 1,46,500
Ticket sales - Student 396 400 1,58,400
Ticket sales - General 281 800 2,24,800
Ticket sales - Early Bird 201 600 1,20,600
Sponsors 9 11,87,500
Diversity Sponsors 4 2,10,000
Late Bird Ticket 385 1199 4,61,615
Contributor Ticket 65 2500 1,62,500
TV Rental 15 5900 88,500
Total 27,60,415

Income from Sponsors

Sponsor Tier Amount
FSBA Gold 75,000
Tech4Dev Platinum 1,75,000
SquaredAI Platinum 3,50,000
Juspay Custom 2,00,000
Mecha Gold 1,00,000
OpenSSF Gold 1,00,000
Requestly Gold 75,000
Entri Silver 75,000
GooeyAI Silver 37,500
Total 11,87,500


Item Category Expected Expense Actual Expense
Stay - Volunteers Travel 250000 1,02,200
Travel - Volunteers Travel 400000 1,26,389
Travel - Speakers Travel 200000 39,492
Venue Rent Venue 660800 7,78,800
AV + Venue setup Venue 453120 5,74,306
Food - Lunch and Snacks Food 1500000 12,54,760
Breakfast Food 75000 25,000
Recording, Photography and Livestreaming Production 300000 3,05,000
Banner, Poster and Signage Branding and Swag 30000 23,455
T-shirt Branding and Swag 250000 2,11,155
Stickers Branding and Swag 30000 51,536
Stationary Venue 30000 10,000
Rama Tent - Mattress Venue 10000 15,500
Diversity Scholars Travel 150000 1,26,552
Tax & GST on Ticket 50,000
Low waste Management 18,182
Miscellaneous 50,000
Total 37,62,327

Deficit: 10,01,912