Starting a FOSS United Chapter in your city

This thread serves as a collection of resources for people interested in kickstarting a FOSS chapter, the first step to which is usually conducting a FOSS meetup.

What are FOSS meetups?

FOSS meetups are periodic meetups we conduct in our city chapter to talk about everything FOSS.
Currently, we have 6 city chapters ( Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Kochi) organising regular meetups.


  • Usually 2-3 hours long
  • 3-6 talks depending on strength of proposals.
  • Participation ranges from 20-150 people, varying between city to city
  • Hosted in office spaces provided by a company, or a college.

We ensure to hold our meetups to the FOSS Meetup Standards. Organizers should make sure these standards are upheld at the events.

Organizing a FOSS meetup

  • Please go through the Tasklist for Meetup Organizers [Quick Guideline] for a quick overview of various tasks and responsibilities that come with hosting a FOSS meetup.
  • Create a forum post proposing a meetup on
  • Once this is done, the FOSS United team will get on a call with the organizer/organizing team to explain to them the various responsibilites and support from our end (including monetary grant for tea/snacks and onboarding to the platform)
  • Once the meetup is approved, create a telegram group (or any other communication forum of your choice, preferably FOSS) for the volunteers and FOSS United team to interact, discuss and plan the event.
  • Ensure that the planning thread of the meetup on is up to date with all related announcements.
  • Designs templates can be found at
  • After the completion of the meetup, please send the expenses bill/invoice addressed to FOSS United foundation at Once this is approved, the amount will be reimbursed within a week.
  • Create a Post event report on the forum thread , sharing insights and feedback from the meetup.

Important Links

  1. How to Submit a Talk Proposal for a FOSS Conference?
  2. Tasklist for Conference Organizers [Quick Guideline]
  3. Telegram group for Organizers
  4. Conference Organizer Handbook
  5. Tasklist for Meetup Organizers [Quick Guideline]
  6. Branding guidelines for FOSS United events
  7. FOSS United Events Design Templates