Weekly Update: FOSS Hack 2021

FOSS Hack 2021 Volunteers Meeting

BigBlueButton Room - https://bbb.fossunited.org/b/vis-hxw-pa7-6ep
This thread: Weekly Update: FOSS Hack 2021
When: Every Friday 5:00 PM, 60 minutes
Based on: https://bit.ly/k8s119-releasemtg & pycon-india-2021-weeklysync

FOSS Hack 2021 info


Template: Week N - Month, Date, Year


Note Taker:


Updates link:

Urgent Actions and Announcements:

Action Items from Previous Meetings:

Not available Next week and shadow in the absence:

Anyone up for volunteering?


  • item

Open Discussion

  • [name] Discussion Item

Action Items from this meeting

Week 1 - 28 Aug, 2021

Host: @fossdot

Note Taker: @fossdot


  1. Anand Chitipothu
  2. Aadya Anil Kumar
  3. Amanda Anil
  4. Anjana
  5. Athul n Nair
  6. Merin Alex
  7. Merin Alex
  8. Naresh
  9. Sona Philip
  10. Syam Suresh
  11. Vivek
  12. Shammi Anand

Urgent Actions and Announcements:

  1. Poster and a blog to invite new volunteers
Get more volunteers to following workgroups:
  1. Sponsorship
  2. Content
  3. Conference Tech
  4. Diversity
Probable role for General Volunteers:
  1. Contribute to the above workgroups
  2. Volunteers Management

Not available Next week and shadow in the absence:

Anyone up for volunteering?

Blockers: Null

@Syam_suresh_P_C Here is the link to the assets of FOSS United. Let me know if it works.

Week 2 - September, 3, 2021

Host: @fossdot

Note Taker: @Sona_Philip

Aadya Anil Kumar
Alan Martin
Amanda Anil
Anand Chitipothu
Deepika S R
Merin Alex
Sona Philip
Vishal Arya

Updates link:

Action Items from Previous Meetings:

  1. Poster and a blog to invite new volunteers

Not available Next week and shadow in the absence:

Anyone up for volunteering?


Open Discussion

Action Items from this meeting

  1. All workgroups should start looking into their role from the workgroup roles and responsibilities thread.
  2. Reach out to Yuvi to help us in the Diversity Workgroup.

Week 3 - September, 10, 2021

Host: @fossdot

Note Taker: @Sona_Philip

Aadya Anil Kumar
Alan Martin
Amanda Anil
Anand Chitipothu
Deepika S R
Merin Alex
Sona Philip
Vishal Arya

Updates link:
No Links updated

Urgent Actions and Announcements:

Action Items from Previous Meetings:

  1. All workgroups should start looking into their role from the workgroup roles and responsibilities
  2. Reach out to Youth to help us in the Diversity Workgroup.

Not available Next week and shadow in the absence:

Anyone up for volunteering?
Athira - Content
Prithvijith - Outreach
Alan - Social Media

Open Discussion
Action Items from this meeting
1.We need to work for the event success.
2. Need of more sponsorships.
3.Connect with more communities to have wide reach for our event

1 Like

Week 4 - September, 17, 2021

Host: @fossdot

Note Taker: @Sona_Philip


Anand Chitipothu
Sona Philip
Vishal Arya

Updates link:

Urgent Actions and Announcements:
Action Items from Previous Meetings:
1.We need to work for the event success.
2. Need of more sponsorships.
3.Connect with more communities to have wide reach for our event

Not available Next week and shadow in the absence:

Anyone up for volunteering?


  • item

Open Discussion

  • [name] Discussion Item

Action Items from this meeting
1.Form an active volunteer group
2. Planning for selection of Speakers
3.Finding out maximum sponsors.
4.Suggestions of forming websites ,posters etc.

Week 5 - September 24, 2021

Host and Note Taker: @fossdot

  1. @Deepika_S_R
  2. @Aadya_Anil_Kumar
  3. @fossdot

Updates: Created the new tetris for the Hero section of the website.

@Deepika_S_R will start working on creating the volunteer badges for all of our volunteers. She will also create a template for talks announcement.

Community Partnership prospectus - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m_6euFtBKfnLDDDu404iFPr9x0lfYCrHV4Q1trZHdJw/edit?usp=drivesdk

Urgent Action: The outreach team will start reaching out to community partners with the above prospectus.

Announcement: Reach out to previous year hackathon participants and Mon School learners with an announcement newsletter.

Week 7 - October 08, 2021

Host: @fossdot

Note Taker: @Ajinkya


  1. @fossdot
  2. @Devdutt
  3. @Ajinkya
  4. @Manali_Modi
  5. @nikochiko

Action Items:

  • Posters: For outreach, for different formats according to platforms (include sponsor logos)
  • Mailer content: To be sent out to devs / potential participants.
  • Blog post: Why Open Source? -> Why FossHack? (dev.to, etc.)
  • Data gathering: Emails to reach out to previous organizers?
  • Reaching out to sponsors: to check if it’d be possible to get word out in their own companies and their portfolio companies for participation
  • Curator platforms: Get a list of (& contact) websites which curate different hackathons and are followed by potential participants.
  • Short content: Prepare short content + 1 image for volunteers to share in their personal/professional contacts
  • Influencers: Get a list of (& reach out to) developer influencers who are followed by potential participants on twitter and / or instagram.


  • Option to create a project and add team members is now live.
1 Like

Week 8 - October 18, 2021

Host: @fossdot

Note Taker: @Ajinkya


  1. @fossdot
  2. @Ajinkya
  3. @Anand
  4. @Saksham_Mishra
  5. @nikochiko

Action Items:

  • Automate volunteer ID card creation
  • Filter the Updates page
  • Promo Video
  • Another weekly call for outreach volunteers besides the weekly sync up
  • For us and for community partners, draft of social posts to be shared


  • Option to create a project and add team members is now live.