What Got You into FOSS? Share Your Story!

Aruna and I are the co-founders of TheSecondDesign.com.

We design highly outcome driven learning environments and programs.

Over the last 6 months, we’ve been working with The TinkerHub foundation to make college students more real world ready. We do it by conducting live, interactive, online sessions covering topics like ‘How can students cultivate agency as a Skill’. You can read more about it here.

In collaboration with the FOSS United team, we’re kickstarting a small effort with the following short-term objective.

Objective: Improve the outcomes of the projects that come out of FOSS Hack 2025.

Before we put any effort toward the above objective, it’s important to us, as kinda FOSS outsiders, to understand in depth the motivations of individuals who choose to get involved in FOSS. In that respect, we have a question for all of you.

If you are to recollect your first contribution to FOSS, what are the events, thoughts and motivations that lead to it?

What went on in your mind before you decided to first get involved with FOSS - be it in the form of a first commit, taking part in an event, reading up about FOSS etc and deciding to perform an action relevant to it.

We’d love to know in detail :slightly_smiling_face:


Some stories must be present int this thread: Introduce yourself - $whoami

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Okay, got it.

Oh, very useful. Exactly what we were looking for.