Technology+Policy course scholarship for FOSS devs

Data and privacy bills, cyber security regulations, increasing digitisation of public services, these aren’t just inevitable, but are already in full swing not just in India, but pretty much everywhere else in the world. The future of internet and technology is going to be highly legislative, if it isn’t already!

It’s critical and imperative that developers and technologists with hands on expertise in technical matters are not only aware of the policy aspects of technology, but actively engage with policy making. The developer community needs strong policy capacity.


FOSS United Foundation is offering a scholarship to FOSS developers to take the The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (Technology and Policy) at the Takshashila Institution. It is a 12 week online program conducted typically on weekends.

In the pilot phase, we are sponsoring the full course fee of ₹33,000 for 5 candidates. If you are interested:

  • Apply to the upcoming cohort (starts Sep 3)
  • In the application form, enter FOSSUNITED in the referral name field, and in the referral e-mail field.
  • If you are accepted, FOSS United Foundation covers the full course fee for you.

Copying @Venkatesh_Hariharan’s note here:
Important Notice: Candidates applying to this course are requested to note that this is an intensive course that requires active participation, and commitment of time. Candidates should submit their application only after they are clear in their mind that they can commit their time and energy to successfully completing this course.


Heads up @knadh, I just submitted an application.

In the pilot phase, …

Does this fall under the “FOSS Community” part of FOSS funding and grants - FOSS United?

Also, can I ask what other programmes the FOSS United Foundation considered sponsoring before settling on the Takshashila GCPP (T&P) programme? I am interested in this space and I want to know if there are other similar (or longer) programmes.

If you are accepted, FOSS United Foundation covers the full course fee for you.

What does the Foss United Foundation expect, if anything, in return?

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Nothing, except for the hope that you’ll find value in the course and you get opportunities to put your learnings to use!

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Thank you for the opportunity, super excited to be a part of this!

Had discussed some ideas with @fossdot, an excerpt:

If possible, we need to setup an offline interaction for the cohort, with people from government, NGOs and for-profits, with a focus on areas specifically within FOSS United’s fields of interest. i.e. libre software/hardware, tech solutions to social problems, policies regarding data privacy, cyber security, opensource software and open data. With the intent to provide participants an opportunity to intern/volunteer/contribute in any way possible.


That is an interesting idea. You should propose this to the Takshashila Foundation.

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Scholarship for January- April 2023 cohort is open now.

The scholarship to FOSS developers for the next cohort of the The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (Technology and Policy) at the Takshashila Institution is open now.

In the second batch, we are sponsoring 80% (₹26,400) of the full course fee of ₹33,000 for 6 candidates. Rest 20% (₹6,600) of the fee has to be paid by the applicant. If you’re interested:

  1. Apply to the upcoming cohort (starts 21st Jan 2023)
  2. In the application form, enter FOSS UNITED in the referral name field, and in the referral e-mail field.
  3. If you are accepted, FOSS United Foundation covers 80% (₹26,400) of the course fee for you.

As someone finishing the T&P course, I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in understanding the wider impact that the software we build has on the people around us, our communities and our country.


@knadh @fossdot was anyone selected as part of the Jan-Apr 2023 cohort?

I brought up the Takshashila program and the FOSS United scholarship at the Feb 2023 FOSS United BLR meetup and a few people expressed interested.


I missed updating it earlier.
@rahulporuri @knadh


Important Notice: Candidates applying to this course are requested to note that this is an intensive course that requires active participation, and commitment of time. Candidates should submit their application only after they are clear in their mind that they can commit their time and energy to successfully completing this course.

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Scholarship for May- July 2023 cohort is open now

Applications for the scholarship to FOSS developers for the May- July 2023 cohort of the The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (Technology and Policy) at the Takshashila Institution are open now.

In the 3rd batch, we are sponsoring 80% (₹26,400) of the full course fee of ₹33,000 for 6 candidates. Rest 20% (₹6,600) of the fee has to be paid by the applicant. If you’re interested:

  1. Apply to the upcoming cohort (class begins 6th May 2023, application deadline 23 April 2023)
  2. In the application form, enter FOSS UNITED in the referral name field, and in the referral e-mail field.
  3. If you are accepted, FOSS United Foundation covers 80% (₹26,400) of the course fee for you.

Important Notice: Candidates applying to this course are requested to note that this is an intensive course that requires active participation, and commitment of time. Candidates should submit their application only after they are clear in their mind that they can commit their time and energy to successfully completing this course.


Thank you @fossdot, for sharing. I submitted my application today, and I hope to join the course!


Scholars for May - July 2023 cohort


Scholarship for September - November 2023 cohort is open now

Applications for the scholarship to FOSS developers for the Sept - Nov 2023 cohort of the The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (Technology and Policy) at the Takshashila Institution are open now.

In the 4th batch, we are sponsoring 80% (₹26,400) of the full course fee of ₹33,000 for 6 candidates. Rest 20% (₹6,600) of the fee has to be paid by the applicant. If you’re interested:

  1. Apply to the upcoming cohort (class begins on 2 September 2023, application deadline: 20 August 2023)
  2. In the application form, enter FOSS UNITED in the referral name field, and in the referral e-mail field.
  3. If you are accepted, FOSS United Foundation covers 80% (₹26,400) of the course fee for you.

Important Notice: Candidates applying to this course are requested to note that this is an intensive course that requires active participation, and commitment of time. Candidates should submit their application only after they are clear in their mind that they can commit their time and energy to successfully completing this course.


To be more specific, this is a weekend course, and participants will have to dedicate their weekends for three months in order to successfully complete this course.

Scholarship for January - April 2024 cohort is open now

Applications for the scholarship to FOSS developers for the January to April 2024 cohort of the The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (Technology and Policy) at the Takshashila Institution are open now.

In the 5th batch, we are sponsoring 80% (₹26,400) of the full course fee of ₹33,000 for 6 candidates. Rest 20% (₹6,600) of the fee has to be paid by the applicant. If you’re interested:

  1. Apply to the upcoming cohort (class begins on 13th January 2024, application deadline: 31st December 2023)
  2. In the application form, enter FOSS UNITED in the referral name field, and in the referral e-mail field.
  3. If you are accepted, FOSS United Foundation covers 80% (₹26,400) of the course fee for you.

Important Notice: Please note that this course is conducted over weekends and is quite intensive. It spans three months, requiring participants to dedicate their weekends during this period. Candidates should submit their application only after they are clear in their mind that they can commit their time and energy to successfully completing this course.


I have been accepted, and received the email confirming it.
How, can I utilize the FOSS United Scholarship? The email still requires me to pay the original cost.

@alan did you do this ?