If you wish to start a FOSS club in your college campus, please send a request to club@fossunited.org.
After three months of experience working with the 13 Club Leads part of the FOSS Clubs program, I and @fossdot had a discussion on our future steps and a roadmap for this initiative.
FOSS Club Plans
Categorizing clubs
There is a huge difference in the existing clubs based on the resources provided by their colleges, the lead’s year of study, and their exposure to the FOSS ecosystem. It is very important to categorise them accordingly so that personalized recommendations and activities can be planned for them.
FOSS United will open an application for people from the community to apply to mentor club members/leads on various grounds. If you have a good amount of experience working with a particulat tech stack or managing communities, you can apply to mentor the clubs.
Day-to-day activities mentorship
Event/Activities mentorship
Technical mentorship (sessions,workshops,projects)
Mandatory Activities
We believe there is a certain set of events that every lead should organise in their tenure, they naturally have the liberty and support from our end to conduct more such FOSS events
Linux Installation Party (LIP)
Expert Talk: ex: Developers sharing their journey, Niche topics like Postgres, React
Mini FOSS Hack* (internal hackathon)
There should be enough team members who can lead the following workgroups:
Outreach: Social Media (SM) posting, engagement, getting reposting from different companies/people and reaching out to colleges.
Technical: Event portal, projects
Design: Posters, Social Media designs, UI-UX for club websites.
Logistics: Venue, Printing, Food, Videography/Photography and Low Waste for events.
Rs. 1,000 max for each workshops, LIP and expert talks
Rs. 10,000 max for Mini FOSS Hack
Rs. 25,000 max for collaborative events like CityFOSS conference, CityFOSS Hack
We can provide t-shirts and stickers for the major events (ex- FOSS Overflow by FOSS Club IIT Bhilia & KWOC by KOSS at IIT KGP)
6 t-shirts and stickers for the core team members after three month of starting the club.
Current Status
Most colleges have exams or vacations in the next 2 months,we should try hosting online activities for the clubs.
Core teams have been onboarded, along with getting necessary permissions from authorities
All club activities are being documented by leads on the forum - Students Program - FOSS United
- Code of Conduct - https://fossunited.org/events/code-of-conduct (needs to be updated)
A community call is scheduled for the club leads on December 3,Sunday.
Note: Providing Liberty to Clubs - @fossdot and I feel that apart from having the club page on the platform, the clubs should have the liberty to create their projects including a seperate FOSS clubs websites and list them on the platform.
This cohort of FOSS Clubs is supposed to end by July 2024, which is when applications for new leads will open. The applications for the next batch were to open in January 2024, but we feel it is too soon for us to onboard new leads as we are currently learning from our experiences with the current cohort of club leads.
Request for Comments:
Projects - We would like to take the community’s suggestions on how can our student network coming in through the FOSS Clubs program help contribute to existing FOSS Projects. There is a huge requirement for contributors in the FOSS ecosystem, and these students are willing to start contributing but may often get overwhelmed with huge codebases. We want to create an environment where project maintainers can introduce students to these projects and help them start contributing.
This could also potentially happen through the Season Of Commits Program.