Jan - March 2024 Plan for Vishal Arya & Ansh Arora

Verticals: FOSS Meetups, CityFOSS Conference, FOSS Clubs, Industry Partnership, Event Grant, Marketing (Articles), Finance/Accounting, FOSS Awards.

FOSS Meetup & CityFOSS Conference:

  1. Smooth transition to the platform to all existing chapters - Bengaluru, Chennai, Kochi, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Pune
  2. Host FOSS meetups in new cities - Currently we are talking to folks in Guwahati, Punjab and Belgaum & will reach out to more cities.
  3. Overview the cityFOSS conferences happening in Pune, Delhi and Kochi.
  4. Focus on growth of women’s participation in each city chapter.
  5. On-baording of new talk reviewers committee.

FOSS Clubs:

  1. FOSS 101, expert talk
  2. Host a FOSS hackathon in all the clubs

Industry Partnerships:

  1. Reach out to existing industry partners, past sponsors and new potential partners to signup for the next fiscal year industry partnership.
  2. Marketing around Industry partnership - Social media posts, Blogs, Short videos
  3. Work on the strategic pitch to potential partners.

Finance / Accounting:

  1. Propose the budget for FY 24-25
  2. Regular payout tasks

Event Grant:

  1. Review the event grants request.
  2. Pitch to all the event organizers reaching out to us to grant to organize a FOSS meetups.

FOSS Awards:

  1. Execute FOSS Awards with the help of @KaranGandhi.

Nice target points. @mngsh @Harsh_Tandiya and I will be posting ours tomorrow.

Few things I thought:

  • It would be more nice, if mentioned on individual basis, who is checking on particular tasks, as the list seems pretty long for 2 months without division.

Harsh, Mangesh and I had a plan to cover this beforehand, as we were thinking of working on the onboarding too. Plan is for us to set up calls with city and FOSS Club leads, for queries for onboarding and platform walkthrough, general one in the community call after Feb 7th, one-on-one’s if needed, and make demo video of event admin dashboard usage.

Do you propose an alter one?

Good idea but It is going to take more time to list down of all the single tasks we will do than actually spending working the tasks and assigning among ourselves on the go.

But you folks might need support from the @ansh and I for the coordination, right?


Yes, we would have to do it in the community calls, and make way to source queries. Would need @ansh to help with FOSS Club leads, as their team onboarding would be there too.

I was confused when you mentioned transition, thought if you meant about taking up and made a plan for the onboarding process, in an alter way.

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Yes, we (tech +community team) need to get on a call with the organizers and the leads but one call won’t solve the problem. The community team need to help the organizers regularly untill they start feeling comfortable with the new system.

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Yes that was the original plan, general community calls and one-on-ones and also short group calls if needed. Having multiple calls is a necessity as it demands, we had proposed in the plan here too.

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Updates - Jan 2024

FOSS Meetups & CityFOSS Conference:

  1. The city chapters will be onboarded to the new platform post the release planned in February.

    FOSS meetups :

    • We are in conversation with folks at IIT Guwahati, [Pondicherry] (Starting a FOSS United chapter in Pondicherry) and Belgaum to organise FOSS meetups.
    • A FOSS meetup in Shimoga is planned for this week.
    • If we get a positive response and feedback here, we’ll try to kickstart a FOSS United chapter in the city and host regular events.
    • We are in touch with folks at Chitkara University, Chandigarh to conduct a FOSS meetup in their campus. This was one of the points that came up in our discussions with them regarding sponsoring Techacks 4.0 Hackathon in Punjab

    CityFOSS conferences

    • Planning for MumbaiFOSS 2.0, ChennaiFOSS 2.0 is underway.
    • @wisharya is in touch with his HOD at CUSAT for KochiFOSS 2.0. With some changes in the FOSSmeet schedule that led to a clash with our planned dates for KochiFOSS, we’ve decided to conduct the event after summer break.
    • PuneFOSS 2.0 and DelhiFOSS 2.0 have opened registrations and will be held on on Feb 24 and March 9 respectively.
  2. FOSS Clubs:

    • FOSS 101 was succesfully kickstarted.
    • The next episode is planned for second/third weekend of Feb.
    • All the clubs are enthusiastic about hosting local FOSS Hack editions
    • Activities are being actively documented on respective forum threads.
  3. Industry Partnerships

    • Updates with respect to Industry Partnerships are listed here
    • I am in conversation with 1mg for a potential partnership.
  4. Finance / Accounting:

    • Budget for FY 24-25 will be proposed in Feb first week.
    • @Alagammai has joined us as a shadow for Financing/Accounting at FOSS United. She will be helping with finances for the CityFOSS conferences. We have onboarded her to relevant group chats.
  5. Event Grants:

  6. FOSS Awards:

    • We are updating the nominations page as suggested by the jury members.
    • The timeline and further procedures are to be discussed with the jury. I and @KaranGandhi will get on a call this week to run through the draft plan so far.
  7. Mon School


Updates - Feb 2024

FOSS Meetups & CityFOSS Conference:

  • City volunteers have signed up on the new platform and have created their FOSS profiles. The tech team will soon assign relevant roles and onboard them to respective city portals.
    Announcing FOSS United Platform

FOSS meetups:

  • Meetups organised in Shimoga, Nagpur, Dehradun and Mangalore over the previous and this month.
  • We are in discussions with folks at Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Bhopal for organising FOSS meetups.
  • We also kickstarted the Hyderabad community again, and have a couple of new faces volunteering at our meetups. We are considering exploring a similar model as Pune here, and will get on a call with the volunteers to plan upcoming events, and also discuss if there are plans for a cityFOSS conference.

CityFOSS conferences

  • PuneFOSS was conducted on 23rd of February. The team has decided to do regular conference style events instead of monthly meetups, since that seems to work better.
    PuneFOSS 2.1 Planning
  • DelhiFOSS, ChennaiFOSS and MumbaiFOSS scheduled for 9th March, 6th April and 27th April respectively.
  • DelhiFOSS - Schedule is final, we are almost sold out for the event.
  • ChennaiFOSS - Registrations and CFPs are now open.
  • MumbaiFOSS - The tech team decided to move the event to the new platform, we have taken down the old webpage and will now be running registrations for the conference on the new platform once it’s live.
  • KochiFOSS will be held after IndiaFOSS, towards late 2024.

FOSS Clubs:

  • Second episode of FOSS 101 is live.
  • Plannings for FOSS hack local editions are underway, we’ll discuss more on this in this month’s club community call.
  • STIST, one of our club campus’s has a techfest this month. @wisharya will also be giving a talk at the event.

FOSS Hack and IndiaFOSS

  • FOSS Hack planning will start this month. FOSShack is planned for July 27-28, 2024.
  • IndiaFOSS may be moved by a week to September 7-8, due to unavailability of NIMHANS convention center throughout September and October. More details to follow once we receive an official confirmation.
  • We’ve reached out to some of our active volunteers to start drafting a roadmap for both events. These volunteers will be leading certain workgroups later on.
  • IndiaFOSS 4.0 - Suggestions thread

Industry Partnerships

  • Partnership deck is live and applications are open. More details here
  • We have received interest regarding partnerships from Plane, SAP, Hasura.

Finance / Accounting:

  • Budget is under internal review.
  • @Alagammai is helping us with budget tracking and finances for our cityFOSS conferences.

Event Grants

  • No grants given since last update. We are however in talks with UbuCon asia regarding a sponsorship.

Mon School